Hey y'all! I'm producing a documentary entitled "Disposable Teens" about GLBTs that have been kicked out of their home/family after coming out. I would like to have a few JW stories in the mix since it's an issue near and dear to me. I'm So Cal based so the closer to me the better but I'm open to some travel. You can comment here or just message me directly.
GLBT&JW Youth Doc
by Bstndance 1 Replies latest jw experiences
I live in maryland but I'm a lesbian and my family refuse to acknowledge me or my relationship which is two years and counting. I have been successful so far, but my staright brother gets the praise for everything. I just want to live my life and have my own family one day with or without there approval. My sex life is a joke to them and the gay slurs just can't seem to stop. I used to be sad about it, but not I'm just moving on with my fiance'. My life is starting to final stablize and I want my family there, but no luck because life today isn't compared to a dream life.