As a former Jehovah’s Witness (20 years) and as someone who auxiliary pioneered several months every year for half the time I was involved in that organization, I KNOW for a fact that MOST JW’s actively pray for the destruction of MOST worldly people. If you really think about it, its a warped, awful and sick mentality. “Oh boy I can’t wait for the vast majority of people on this planet to die by God’s hand because they don’t believe what I believe!! Yay!” I mean, seriously.
And sorry, but say if it is real and Armaggedon is a coming, I would rather die in Armageddon than be stuck living forever with a bunch of bigoted, uneducated (we know how the WTS feels about college!), misogynistic people.
While walking away from a door after being dismissed by a ‘not interested’ person, we would JOKE about how they were going to regret not listening to us someday. “Haha, have fun when Armageddon comes.” I used to say things like that! I’m ashamed of the person I was when I was a JW.
Sure not all JW’s do that, but A LOT do. MOST do. Sure getting turned down door after door wears on ya, but to wish for someones death is just sick.
This was what I used to think of people in the world, what a ashole I was as a JW Now the gloves are off and woe betide any of them who come to my door