Well, It has been a long time since I have checked in. I have been fading from my congergation for awhile now. My husband was having issues with it all, but I am proud to say he has completely backed me up and now has jumped ahead and completely changed his thinking on attending meetings and raising our children within the org.
He has always been a free spirit that seemed contained. He always wanted to grow his hair "to see what it would do." He has thick curyly locks. Granted his hair is a bit long for me now, but he loves it. He now has his ears pierced in studdly guages. LOL. Never thought that would happen. He plays music instead of worrying about talks, going out in service or making sure he gets a haircut to keep the curls under control. LOL.
Kids are doing good. My 11 year old boy has a lot of questions and I am just honest with him. My 8 year old could care less.
I just have my in-laws to deal with occasionally. I have become excellent at avoiding the topic, dodging the question or changing the subject when and if it is ever brought up. I think my husband's hair and earrings say it all.
They always make sure to invite us to the upcoming events with a hopefull gleam in their eyes. But you know what.....I don't have to say a word. They know we are not going to come. No need to discuss it.
Do I miss any of it? NOT AT ALL!