Have you ever tried this product before?
by Iamallcool 8 Replies latest jw friends
O-kay... I'll bite.
What the heck is this thread about??
Oh, crap... Bidets???
Yuk. Like I need a stream of water to - uhm, take care of business.
I think it'd be rather messy. Would take too much toilet paper to dry off.
Zid the finicky She-Devil
White Dove
Heard they can be nice, but never wanted to try one because of the reasons Ziddina gave.
A friend of mine installed on in her bathroom alongside the toilet.
Low-Key Lysmith
When I was in Scotland recently, I stayed a couple of nights at the Gleneagles Resort. My room had a bidet in the bathroom, but i could never bring myself to use it. I stood over it for a bit scratching my head, but that's as far as I got.
TBH, if your shower is right next to the toilet you could probably use it instead. I use my shower to clean the toilet as the hose reaches over. It's more hygenic than a brush!
There was a bidet in my vacation accomodation in Spain - I used it to wash the sand from my feet! Only time I ever used one properly was in hospital after giving birth.
It's a cultural thing; I found them all over Europe. It's wherever you grow up and is familiar. Nothing to be grossed out by.
When my sister and I were little we thought ''bidets'' were used to wash your feet in when you got back from the beach! LMAO! When I discovered they were to wash your bum I freaked out!
Broken Promises
It's a cultural thing.
Europeans find the idea of driving around in huge fuel-guzzling SUVs ridiculous too.
you have them planned in your architectural drawings (unless you really utilize them) for aesthetics and resale value (or at one time when there was a housing market!) echelon neighborhoods. i like the look. in europe they might not shower/bathe daily (YUK!!!!!) and they definitely need and use them -- i know the italians use them regularly to freshen up.