Brother Andre is still runing the good race after coming back from wandering apostacy lol

by PHOXPHASE 2 Replies latest watchtower bible


    ws-E-2011/09/15 pg. 11-12 para:11

    11. Andrew is an example of someone who did that. When he and his wife learned about Jehovah, they decided to serve him. Andrew liked his job very much but left it. Why? Because the organization he worked for was involved in war, and he wanted to do what Jehovah says is right. When Andrew left his job, he had two children and enough money to last just a few months. It seemed that, like the Levites, he had no inheritance. He trusted in God and looked for a job. Now when they think about that time, Andrew and his family can say that these words are true: “The hand of Jehovah has not become too short.” (Isaiah 59:1) Because they kept their life simple, Andrew and his wife have even been able to pioneer. He says that at times they have been anxious about money, a place to live, their health, and just the fact that they are getting older. But Jehovah has always helped them. They can say without any doubt that serving Jehovah is rewarding and that it is the greatest honor a human can have.


    So now Andrew appears to be jobless and happy makes me wanna quit my job and follow Andrew lol!!

  • dgp

    It's a pity that Jehovah doesn't find jobs for all of his creatures, only the fake ones on the pages of The Watchtower.

    I would suppose that, if Andrew wanted to give fine witness of his commitment to Jehovah, it wouldn't be a problem to say what company he worked for, in what circumstances he quit, how much he was making, what sum he considered to be "just enough to last for a few months", what his definition of "a few months" is, and just how generous Jehovah was with him in his new job.

    I would also choose "The Simple Life". Nicole first.


    I realised that the article names Andrew but I think we can all agree its the same "Andre" we've all gotten to know of past articles. Could not they just changed the name completely?....really....just add a 'w'? and no one will make the connection lol.

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