There is one basic distinction I no longer share with those who adhere to one of the many Abrahamic religions and that is the holiness of the Bible. It seems to be the common thread in the religious beliefs of half the planet (although muslims dismiss the Bible as an "earlier revelation". Sort of like Islamic New Light taken to a much higher order). People seem to worship the Bible, like an idol or some sacred talisman handed down from the distant past and the only way to figure out how to:
a) get a ride on the UFO that is hiding in the stream of the Hale-Bop comet
b) be one of the lucky minority who gets swept away in the rapture along with Harold Camping (in October, I think).
c) believe as a Jehovah's Witness believes (however much what he believes continuously changes) and therefore get to pet lions on paradise Earth forever, and ever, and ever but only after you clean up all the bodies left behind at Armageddon, including those of your most beloved friends and family whose heart conditions were not satisfactory to Jehovah. Those, he'll destroy horribly. But He's a Loving God. He loves you, anyway. All those other billions of people? Forget about them. Bird food.
d) be one of the lucky majority who just has to recognise all the stuff in the Bible that's bullshit but live according to the parts you can still accept, and most of all just believe in God and everything will be fine. That's the most important thing. Believe in God. The rest you can tailor make yourself. Sort of like picking out the grain from the chaff. There's a bunch of chaff in the Bible, but it's still basically sacred and the key to living in heaven, or someplace like it.
If you are able to put aside for a moment the message(s) in it, the physical bible itself is revered, as if it is an entity, as if it is an idol. I am sure that any believer visiting the back woods who entered an outhouse and came across a bible with half its pages torn out would be outraged or at least wounded. The Koran's the same way. It's sacred. Hear about some nutjob pastor in Florida torching one and the whole world goes berserk.
What seems clear to me is the Bible is an ancient work of fiction, as is the Koran. But it and the Koran are both worshipped. Those who worship the Bible think those who worship the Koran are wrong and will pay with their spiritual lives, and vice versa.