Is Leolaia under Best of Topics or do I have to read thru all the posts referenced under her name which would be quite time consuming. I can't find her name under the Best of Topics section. Thanks.
QUESTION re/Best of Topics
by LV101 4 Replies latest jw friends
Black Sheep
Use Google.
E.g. If you want to read her posts on the trinity just Google leolaia trinity.
To narrow it down to just JWN add to the search; leolaia trinity
Nathan Natas
LV101 makes a good point; if anyone here deserves her own shelf in the "Best Of" library, it is Leolaia.
Let us hope that Lady Lee hears out supplication!
ahhh, thank you all. thought my computer skills were lacking when i couldn't find her on the Best of Topics and i was rushing thru some various posts and limited for time. in the meantime i'll use the google method and her posts under her name.
thanks, Zid, for your info off your post re/ the two witnesses at your door today. the younger witness is fortunate to have received the great info from you and referring me to leolaia's info -- can't wait to find it when i have time. i'd heard or read probably on this board about earlier gods paralleling jehovah/ YWHW and Jesus but never gave it much thought. looks like i have some serious reading ahead of me and it's one crazy, busy, summer.