Well, the second talk was given by the C.O.
I didn't take notes (why bother, their always right. Right?) but here's the jist of it.
The Heart is Treacherous... "Ever heard of the expression follow your heart ? Isn't that just the dumbest idea?" that stuck out in my mind. He said that verbatim. My mind went "Ahhh, say that's dumb so that we can adjust and agree so WE don't seem "dumb" - love the degradation early on. So if you believed one should follow their heart...you won't from then on b/c its "dumb".
"What you desire...is engrained in your heart before you act upon it. You may think of committing immorality, but if your MINNNND dwells on it then eventually your HEART will motivate you to ACTION!...then you commit sin."
What are "SPIRITUAL DISTRACTIONS"?? - TV, RADIO, MOVIES, INTERNET, WORK, IPODS, CELL PHONES (anything else under the sun that the WTBTS didn't create.)
He then went into a story of Satan and his Demons having an assembly. At this assembly Satan tells them to use all of these things to fill up ones heart and the desires for these things so that the spiritual distractions can drown out the voice of Jehovah. (Jehovah = GB, but you guys knew that)
It is not for man to direct his step. We need guidence from Jehovah (GB. Oh he didn't say the GB or F&DS at all in his talk. clever)..."we can't think for ourselves. we can't direct our own step. See that? singular. The scripture says not even ONE STEP." <--- yeah he SAID THOSE EXACT WORDS
Anyway...it was just sickening.
When he finally gave the Congregation stats....he was pleased to see a huge increase in donations to the KH Building fund, and WW Preaching work. Also stressed to start consistent and regular "magazine routes". wonder why? Maybe he saw the magazines piled up in the back counter.
The BOOK STUDY was funny. I thought... "if the government banned door to door witnessing or Watchtower magazines....why stress? You can't talk to someone with just the BiBLE?" its like they miss the point. Most governments have no problem with people talking about the Bible to others, but some don't tolerate offensive CULT literature.
(C.O. made a comment that they were to go house to house to preach to those who had not heard the good news. They were told to go house to house, city to city, etc. ) I thought most people I've met in FS have ALREADY HEARD OUR GOOD NEWS MANY TIMES and ARE NOT INTERESTED. Why must they keep going back?
Sorry for the lengthiness. But I had to get that out. You'll hear more disgust from me on Sunday I'm sure. LOL