Kingdom Hall Representatives Promise to Be More Communicative.
by Bangalore 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
Kingdom Hall Representatives Promise to Be More Communicative.
I guess this is one kingdom hall building project that the Watchtower won't be boasting about in its pages! LOL
Maybe they can't get the free labor they want, or the brothers aren't responding, or they may have ran out of money, not enough donations for materials.
I don't know this, but I've been getting the impression that building more halls or having more real estate owned by the WTS isn't their goal any more. Its like the WTS is liquidating and retrenching these days. I wouldn't be surprised if they no longer offer loans to congregations for renovating or building new KHs. I know that in CT there was supposed to have been built a new Circuit Assmebly Hall somewhere in western CT. They sold the one they had in eastern New York State, got the congregations to make donation pledges, said the place would be built within a couple of years, but it still hadn't been when I left in 2000 and I don't think its been built yet, eleven years later, because I'd heard that the assemblies were being held up in Mass. someplace.
I also know that many quick builds, while great advertising, didn't always turn out too well in the long run. Lots of plumbing problems...heard lots of stories about mold in the walls of the Halls, leaking roofs, electrical problems, peeling wallpaper. Seems kind of stupid to put on a big dumb show for the neighbors and end up with a building that is a mess.
I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to can this project and keep the money. They'll make the local dubs rent an empty store to meet in or something.
The building committee is in a bit of a pickle because access to modern communication tools (i.e. website) are forbidden them. I discovered this recently when I searched out churches in a small town. The Kingdom Hall may show up on a directory, but they never have their own website. The WTBTS has decreed that they don't need it.
I absolutely depend on a church's website first when making up my mind about it. One can tell even from the quality of the website, how current and active they are.
What happened to the weekend KH build?...start building Friday, occupied for a meeting by Sunday afternoon...hmmm.
There is a story of a congregatin buying a plot of land and selling it at the height of the boom and making a fortune.
That is just one that I have heard of. I be any money they had it taken off of them!
Merging congos saves money and means more land can be sold for a few more tax free dollars