This is too funny, someone who is a former member of my old cult came our facebook page and talked about two witnesses coming to her door today.
Jocelyn Zichterman Oh, the irony. I know we are not supposed to talk about other groups here, but just real quick: Two JW's just showed up at my door--haven't had this happen in a while. I very strongly told them they were in a cult. They argued with me for a long while.
April 28 at 2:26pm · Like Unlike · · Subscribe Unsubscribe- 5 people like this.
- Jocelyn Zichterman I finally said, "Hey, listen ladies, nothing you say can pursued me. I was just on the phone for over an hour yesterday with one of the ex-JW women working to expose the JW's on an even larger national scale--as a cult. Go look up 'JW Cult' ... on youtube. Really. Maybe you will be able to see some light."
They kept arguing--and I finally just said, "What if I joined your religion, then decided after a time that I wanted to convert to being a Baptist--would that be OK"? And what did they say back? "Well, if you really want to be right with God, you wouldn't leave." HAHAHA!
I just said: "Sorry guys. Been there, done that. Ain't going there again. But if you see one of your ex-JW 'apostates' doing some work together with a woman from an 'unknown IFB cult,' you know who I am now. Have a nice day!" LOL!! See More April 28 at 2:28pm · Like Unlike · 1 person Loading... - Jocelyn Zichterman Darnit! I don't know why I do that--it's persuade--persuade! April 28 at 2:29pm · Like Unlike
- Fran Earle Excellent! April 28 at 2:30pm · Like Unlike
Rhonda Lundquist One of my dear friends passed away a few years back. his parents have sort of clung to my husband and myself since. They are JW and everytime we see them, they try to "convert" us, I don't know how to politly tell them, "I have been there, done that" in IFB and do not want to be a part of another Cult!! I just listen to their speel and hope it's over soon. I wish I could just tell them what I really think!!! April 28 at 2:37pm · Like Unlike · 1 person Loading...
- MarkAmy Zumach LOL Jocelyn, I have tried to argue with them too. It's like talking to an IFB person........they will NOT listen but they sure will pray for ya! ;P April 28 at 2:42pm · Like Unlike · 2 people Loading...
- Jocelyn Zichterman I couldn't believe how many phrases were the exact same. I said, "You know honestly, I could record you both right now and put this on the internet and all the IFB cult survivors would think you were IFB. That's how much you all sound alike." April 28 at 2:44pm · Like Unlike · 1 person Loading...
- MarkAmy Zumach Yep. There is a lady where I work ( I work in an assisted living facility for the elderly) and there is this one lady EVERY ONE of the other tenants there hate because she is always giving them tracts and trying to convert them. She wears dresses all the time and never socializes with anyone. I thought for sure she must be IFB. Nope. JW. She gave me a tract and a sympathetic look one day. BLECH! April 28 at 2:51pm · Like Unlike · 1 person Loading...
- Fran Earle Years ago when I left the Catholic church, I met the mother of a good friend who was a die hard Catholic and she said to me"you KNOW you are going to hell because you are no longer going to THE church!" I looked at this woman I loved and a ... dmired and said "I no longer believe that, and I love you and respect you, so we should stop talking about this before this ends badly because I value your friendship!" END of discussion and she never brought it up again. I think you need to be blunt with these good folks as it appears that is all that is going to work. Good luck. See More April 28 at 2:52pm · Like Unlike · 4 people Loading...
- Jocelyn Zichterman Good way to say that Fran.:) April 28 at 2:56pm · Like Unlike
Tammy Montgomery Moyer I can't wait til they show up here again. it is about time for them. I had a sweet elderly lady one time and I did tell her she was in a cult but she was very kind to me. I really felt bad for her but I should have felt bad for my own fa ... mily, I was in one too. I can tell them they are in a cult and I know how easy it is to be fooled, I was in for almost 10 years, not to mention the other ones that weren't IFB by name but by spirit they were See More April 28 at 3:18pm · Like Unlike · 1 person Loading...
- Fran Earle I am so glad. As I read these comments about these encounters it came back to me so decided it might help someone else. April 28 at 3:34pm · Like Unlike
- Megan Jones Not that it really even matters but look at Michael Jackson and his dysfunctional family. They were all JW's and look how that worked out for them. Just sayin' 13 hours ago · Like Unlike
Casey Kreyling JW's,IFB,Babtist's etc. are actually Sect's of the Christian Cult. Any dictionary will clarify the difference 7 hours ago · Like Unlike · 1 person Loading...
- Sean R. Scott I'm Southern Baptist and I assure you we are no cult 7 hours ago · Like Unlike
- Cathleen Walker I also believe JWs are a cult and also too Mormons. Although two of them did help me with my car and paid for the towing but still. Any people who can't see through the crap of Mr. Smith.... 7 hours ago · Like Unlike · 1 person Loading...
Casey Kreyling If you have access to a dictionary look up the words Cult and Sect. Which will clarify.Babtists,mormons JW'S etc. are actually Sects of the christian Cult. 4 hours ago · Like Unlike
- Cathleen Walker Lets just face the facts here. ALL FORMS of religion from Chritianity to Islam to Buddist to ALL are cults. Its a form of control, dictatorship. claiming some god or gods talked to them and made a decree. A control on women and a free pas to spread hate by calling the hated party sinner and must be punished and ect... 4 hours ago · Like Unlike
- Cathleen Walker It is also used for fear of something or someone. If your pastor/priest dose not agree with something with it is science or progressed they will tell you that it is aganst god and religion. It is all cutls in all honesty. 4 hours ago · Like Unlike
- Sean R. Scott if all religions are cults...that means there's no such things as cults. IF everyone is a superhero...that means no one is a superhero. 2 hours ago · Like Unlike
- Robin Cliver i give you credit for opening your door to them. being raised the way i was when they came to our door dad shut the door and said to never say God Bless you to them. they soon got the message and left. 2 hours ago · Like Unlike
- MarkAmy Zumach I think pretty much any organized religion can end up being of the cult mentality that we are all referring to here with the IFB cult. Anytime common sense is continually shot down and you are left with the "this is not right" feeling, but you keep it quiet because you have been brainwashed to believe that it is right even when you KNOW it is not, then my friend, you are in a cult. Amen. about an hour ago · Like Unlike · 3 people Loading...
Casey Kreyling I can tell that you have not looked up the" dictionary" definition of Cult or Sect. While you are there look up belief, faith, hope, worship, and enlightenment. It was knowledge that gave me the power to overcome any one belief system. I ha ... ve taken the bait,hook, line, and sinker and have been wrapped around the anchor chain more than once. If any ONE could PROVE To EVERYONE how to get out of here alive. Then we would all be superheros. It is BLIND faith that keeps us in the dark and allows this kind of perverse behavior to continue.Just keep asking yourself am I a sheep or a sheperd. See More 58 minutes ago · Like Unlike
- Jeff Bryson When they came to my door I told them they were lying when they said they were in the "Christian ministry" because they didn't believe in the Christ of the Bible. They just walked away. 50 minutes ago · Like Unlike
- Jocelyn Zichterman I finally said, "Hey, listen ladies, nothing you say can pursued me. I was just on the phone for over an hour yesterday with one of the ex-JW women working to expose the JW's on an even larger national scale--as a cult. Go look up 'JW Cult' ... on youtube. Really. Maybe you will be able to see some light."