"Why I don't sing the star spangled banner?"

by Iamallcool 8 Replies latest social current

  • Iamallcool
  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Interesting blog article. Thanks for posting it.

    BTW, "Why I don't sing the Star Spangled Banner" is a statement. If he'd said "Why don't I sing the Star Spangled Banner" that would be a question. Just a little lesson in spoken English grammar.

  • Quendi

    Very well expressed. While I will stand when the colors are presented, I will sing no nation's anthem, nor will I salute its flag. I believe that patriotism and Christianity are incompatible. Yes, I originally got those beliefs from Jehovah's Witnesses, but in this case I think they are absolutely right. This article has strengthened my resolve in both of these matters. I plan to share it with others. Thanks for posting this.


  • glenster


    You could give the principles and ideals you favor (freedom, liberty) for your
    country not shared by all other countries and put them to song. You then might
    favor one song over another but it's not inconceivable unless you're ambivalent
    about the differences.

  • talesin

    This land is my land,

    It is not your land.

    So you better get off,

    'Fore I blow your head off!

    I got a shotgun,

    And you ain't got one.

    This land is private proper-tee!

    Parody copyright of Devlin Kerry


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I believe in 'freedom of religion' for everyone, no matter how stupid they are. All are entitled to believe they are making sense, though to most of us, they aren't making anything but noise. Like most cults, these people have a martyr complex.

    I live just down the road from this 'college' town. Most of the Mennonites I have ever met were very nice people. But they are in the same fog as the one I came out of as a Jw.


  • hoser

    I caught this one on CNN too. Isn't it funny that JW's hype up the fact that they are separate from the world, when in fact many, many members of other religions have given up many freedoms to hold to their faith. Mennonites, Hutterites, doukabours many others were in prison instead of doing military or alternate service.


  • Iamallcool

    BP, Thank you for the english correction.

  • glenster

    Martin Mull's version...

    "Well, I'm about as heavy as a four-door Chevy
    in a room full of Cadillac limousines,
    Just about as hip as a hunk of linoleum
    About as psychedelic as a can of beans,

    I'm about as groovy as a John Wayne movie
    But there's something that I gotta say...
    If this country stinks, then so do I
    And I'll fight to keep it that way

    This land ain't your land...this land is MY land
    From California to Levitown, Long Island,
    From the Gulf Stream Golf Course, to the US Air Force, uh-huh,
    This land was made for folks like me!

    Well, the hippies are quiet, but you know they're gonna riot
    They must be up to something, 'cause they look so strange,
    Walking down the street with a weirdo hair-do
    Their hands in the air, 'do you got spare change?'

    Well I never give 'em any...not a penny.
    I just kick 'em, then I say,
    If this country stinks, than so do I
    And I'll fight to keep it that way!"


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