After this last conversation with my father, I had almost decided to completely just not have any contact at all. But then realized I still need to go through my parents to ever talk with my little sister. So what am i going to do? If I'm feeling up to any discussion at all with them, it's going to be short. I'm going to take more control of this. If we are going to discuss, I will be given the dignity of an answer to my question, or the conversation is ending. Enough of this 'we all want you to come back' condescending stuff.
Here are a few questions I may ask at some point, one at a time, and if i'm feelling up to it~
~If your religion is the 'truth' it should stand up to criticism and analysis at any time, yes?
~Is it fair that someone born-into the religion should lose all family if they one day decide to believe differently? It doesn't give that person much of a choice, does it?
~If it's the 'truth' why are you fearful of talking with those that have left? Are you afraid we may shake your faith? If it's true, there should be no fear.
~If the message is so urgent, why don't JW use the efficiency of the internet to help others?
Please feel free to help me with some questions. I have to promise myself to only ask them one at a time. One at a time. One at a time...I can do this