It's one of those battles that can be very difficult to beat. I do not blame my Jw past for my weight gain, I just didn't do anything about it because one day I was going to be perfect and it didn't matter.
In past years I've lost weight, picked up again and usually more, and then lost again. In those times that I applied myself I genuinely was sincere and thought my mind was made up. I failed.
This year, due to my uncles' illness (he's dying of cancer) I thought I had to give losing weight another bash. He always believed I could do it. I knew I could if I applied myself. I had to apply myself this time, I wanted him to see me reach this goal. This time was and still is so different. I'm willing to make sacrifices in order to succeed. Saying no is easier. Sticking to the plan though difficult pays such great rewards that it motivates me to stay on it. Not only am I doing this for him, but for me too. I don't want to live my life with regrets.
I have a blog detailing my journey. I still have a long way to go, but I've lost in the region of 25 kg = 55 pounds (it could be more) It is my desire to encourage others who need to lose weight to do so. I have tried every single diet out there from shakes to injections. Good ol' healthy eating is the way to go.
I looked at a picture of me taken on day 1 in my tights and vest. Compared it to a picture taken yesturday and I can see the transformation. It gives me more motivation to keep going on. It details my journey. The highs, the lows, the honesty with which I'm moving forward. I usually post every second or third day and post it to facebook, twitter and buzz. I want others to know that even though losing weight is difficult, it can be done.