Predictions and Prophecies

by snowbird 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snowbird

    If I state that the 2012 presidential election race is going to be a tight one, is that a prediction or a prophecy?

    When you utter a prophecy, don't you prophesy that something WILL happen, not that something MAY happen?

    Also, doesn't this have to be based on no prior knowledge or insider information?

    Just curious after reading the thread about WT's so-called spectacular prediction that the League of Nations would re-emerge as the United Nations, or something to that effect.


  • Vanderhoven7

    Technically the WTS leadership are not guilty of false prophecy (claiming to speak under inspiration) , just lousy interpretation....consistent lousy interpretation.

    That being said, they still are false prophets/teachers, because they have messed with the gospel of Jesus Christ, adding submission to their organization to the salvation formula.

  • snowbird

    Lousy interpretation.


    Gotta remember that.


  • NeonMadman

    I would disagree with your assessment, Vanderhoven7. Actually, Deuteronomy 18 does not say anything about someone claiming to speak under inspiration, at least not in those terms. The conditions are two: 1) the prophet speaks in the name of YHWH and 2) the thing prophesied does not come to pass. The WTS certainly fits this description, and therefore does qualify as a false prophet in the biblical sense. They have repeatedly stated that they 'act as a prophet' in the last days. That being the case, the only question left to evaluate is whether they act as a true prophet or a false prophet. their histiry clearly points to the latter.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I haven't spotted that thread, Syl. It sounds like it is making claims that are full of holes.

    See TD's excellent breakdown of Knorr's 'prophesy' at


  • Vanderhoven7


    OK...I'm not out to defend the organization or it's leaders, believe me; nor do I wish to underestimate the gravity of their false predictions and the faith destroying effect they have had on their membership. They are unquestionably false prophets in my book for preaching a gospel other than the gospel Paul preached (in term of content, in terms of nature of salvation, in terms of means of and criteria for salvation). But I think if we are honest most of us have misinterpreted Bible passages including those involving prophecy (not necessarily assigning dates as Hal Lindsey and Harold Camping did). Few have ever said; "Thus saith the Lord"however. However illigetimate, that's the argument JWs use to defend themselves .

    I'm content to call them false prophets for promoting a false gospel and consistently lousy, and therefore nonmandated and non-directed interpreters of God's holy word.

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