Hi Lydia!
Good question. I will admit that when I first left the borg, I just wanted to withdraw and heal myself and my family. I didn't have any attention or time to spend on others. As we healed and became whole again, I began to think about helping others in some way. After our cult-like experiences, many of us do not want to belong to any "organization" again, even a charitable one, because we don't want demands placed on us. I help out when I can and when I am motivated to do it, not because I belong to some group and they expect me to show up for meetings or fund raising or anything...YUCK!
I did find a group that I joined for awhile, it's called the Guardian Ad Litem program. I saw an advertisement in the paper for it. You go to court to speak up for the child in an abused, neglected or abandoned situation. You have to go through a training program, then you get an assignment to a child. You are not investigating the case or anything like that...your sole purpose is to visit the child, see if the place they're in fits their needs, and report back to the judge what the childs wishes are and what your recommendations are! It is a great program, doesn't require that much time all at once. I recently resigned for a short time though, because I was having too many court appearances that were happening during work hours, and I wasn't able to get the time off.
Anyway, I hope I answered your question.
She had the vocabulary of a brothel owner specializing in service to sailors with Tourette's syndrome