At Genesis 3:16 Jehovah told the woman that he would increase or multiply her pain in childbirth. Does this not indicate that there would have been some pain at childbirth even if the woman had not sinned?-G. V., Belgium.
Genesis 3:16 (NW) reads: "To the woman he said: ‘I shall greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy; in birth pangs you will bring forth children, and your longing will be for your husband, and he will dominate you.'" After she had sinned, Jehovah told the woman she would bring forth children in birth pangs. That meant pain for the sinner mother. So the promised increase of pain would indicate that fallen womanhood would undergo an increase of pain as the centuries passed, due to the accumulating degeneration and weaknesses that would cause increasing pain and ordeal. If this is the case, it would tie the increase of pain in with the sin that brought on degeneration in the first place, appropriately so. The nearer to perfection women were the less difficulty there would be for them in giving birth.
WT 1st July 1954, page 415 QFR