Mother and Unborn Baby Die from blood transfusion refusal

by Coded Logic 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    It's a very sad story. Their deaths were completely avoidable if she hadn't refused the blood transfusion:

  • Crazyguy
    This a sick and twisted policy that the cult has and is the main reason I will never go back. Its truly a religion by the stupid for the stupid, their reasoning's on this subject make no sense what so ever.
  • smiddy

    Did I not read on this board somewhere , that the governing Body had a letter/policy of some sort absolving any" Witness" from responsibility , leaving the decision to be made by the medical staff treating the patient ?

    A letter/policy that has not been made available to the rank and file even though it was drafted some months even years ago ?

    If this is truly the case , then surely the family would have a good case of suing the Watchtower organization of failing in their duty of care for their members ,withholding potentially life saving information that could have saved a life.

    Was it a Marvin S. post ?


  • nicolaou

    I wasn't stupid. I was indoctrinated, misled, trusting, naïve maybe. Looking back I feel stupid but that's not the point.

    Labeling Jehovah's Witnesses as 'stupid' isn't going to help them and it's rather unkind in any case.

    Now, certain individual Jehovah's Witnesses certainly are as dumb as a bag of spanners but let's not taint the whole group by the vacant mind space of a cerebrally challenged few.

  • Heaven

    What a waste.

    And all for some imaginary, Patriarchal, Iron Age god who is invisible, silent, and impotent.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth
    smiddyan hour ago

    "Did I not read on this board somewhere , that the governing Body had a letter/policy of some sort absolving any" Witness" from responsibility , leaving the decision to be made by the medical staff treating the patient ?

    A letter/policy that has not been made available to the rank and file even though it was drafted some months even years ago ?"

    Is this what you were looking for?

  • smiddy

    Thank you defender of truth that is exactly what I was looking for.


  • eyeuse2badub

    Can you hear the funeral talk? She will not be forgotten by big j. What a comforting thought. Yea right1

    just saying!


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