Does anyone have a pdf version of the unrevised truth book they can share with me? Also I am looking for information about what all was offically said about 1975.
looking for 1968 truth book in pdf? Also looking for info about 1975 stuff.
by average joe 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Joe there is a pdf available on line for the truth book, but it is the revised version where they get rid of their mistakes. You may be able to get the original from Amazon or ebay.
As far as 1975 goes, their is a mountain of info available. Just type in Watchtower 1975 and it will keep you occupied for weeks going through all the stuff the society said about it.
1975 is here:
1981 revised truth book is here:
Maybe someone else has the earlier edition?
No PDF but here are a few scans from the original Truth Book, 1968 . Please forgive my boyish underlining !
Illustration page 95
1968 Truth That Leads to Eternal Life-PDF! Atlantis
average joe
thx atlantis :)
1975 predictions in Awake magazine download.
"Also I am looking for information about what all was offically said about 1975."
Good book about 1975 - "Armageddon in 1975 - 'Probability' or 'Possibility'?"
If you want a hard copy of the 1968 truth book in addition to the pdf, this is one of the easiest WT publications to get because they published so many. I just checked my shelves and a box, and I have 11 copies! I picked all of mine up at local thrift stores for 25 to 50 cents each.
If you're researching 1975, you'll want to listen to Gordon Bryden's "Watchtower Authority." You can listen online, or download it:
In this talk, he gives some of the more obscure references to 1975 that others have missed.
The tape of his first talk is available from Witness, Inc.: