People's Court - Fiancee has two daughter but not married

by ShirleyW 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShirleyW

    Part of the story on People's Court this afternoon is that this women's mother wants her to baptize her two daughters in her monthers religion which is Catholic, she offered that the father of both her daughters, aged 3 and 18 months is a JW and they both decided not to have their children baptized.

    So, she uses the word fiancee, they have two kids and are not married, Is there some new flip flop law about premarital sex now, or this guy put on the repentant act TWICE and was probably DFd a few times, I'm sure he's not the only one carrying on like that, but I found that part of this women's story interesting. Also glad it was mentioned on a show that draws a lot of viewers, it will probably raise some questions with nonbelievers who thought the Dubs didn't carry on like that.

  • sir82

    Some people who aren't JWs, self-identify as JWs. Probably the fiancee is one of those.

    God help me, I have no idea why, but they do.

    Used to run into them all the time in field serve-us.

    Probably the fiancee was raised by a JW mom or grandma, and attended meetings for a few years, and in the absence of any other religion, calls himself a JW.

  • 3rdgen

    Shirley, Over the years I have known dozens of adults who were raised by a JW parent/parents who never got baptized or never attended once they were on their own. They are not part of any congregation but still identify themselves somewhat as JWs. (Kind of like nonpracticing Catholics)

    Because they don't associate no JC action is taken. Even though they don't practice the religion they still hold at least some of the beliefs so that they would not want to assign another religion to their children especially as infants.

  • 3rdgen

    Sir82, you type faster than I do.

  • AudeSapere

    I *just* saw that episode here in California. The woman said her 'fiance' was brought up as a JW. He is *not* a practicing JW.

    She was brought up Catholic - and is non-practicing. Together, they decided to raise their children with no religion. Just Spiritual.

    But apparently, maternal grandma is as big a b!tch as they come. Seems shunned the daughter and grandchildren better than most JWs I've seen...


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