A thought occurred to me as I read a couple of posts asking about policy questions. Many who leave JW's seem curious and surprised that someone can be disfellowshipped or get in trouble and yet another fellow JW does the same thing and nothing happens to them?
So they ask,' what's the policy'? Then they blame the elders.
While it is NEVER a bad idea to blame the elders, the elders are generally doing what they are told.... by the CO and the Service Dept.
The Governing Body and their mouthpiece to the elders, the Service Dept, have become adept through decades of experience of being what I like to call "unyieldingly flexible."
We all know that whenever it suits their purpose, a brother or sister can either be removed or retained/appointed as a pioneer/MS/elder. The verbiage and logic they use though upsets many in and outside of JW's.
I just wanted to comment on this point: If you are looking for that smoking gun where the GB doesn't follow it's own rules, well, they are always changing them anyway. Do you think a religion that hung it's hat on 1914 and a horrible idea of what the word "generation" would let their own bylaws for elders and oversight get in the way for what they want?
The GB is the 800 pound gorilla. They take the bible, a book that is as ambiguous as Gary Busey on a bender, then translate their own copy of it without really knowing how to translate, and can make it say whatever they want.
Even when they contradict themselves, the GB is right. That is because even though they aren't spirit appointed, they are spirit directed.
See, if they can make shit like that up and sell it, what chance does anyone have?
(pssst. that's why its a cult.)
So don't think of JW's as a factory that has ISO 9001 standards. They have only what is immedietely expedient to them.
I have written a lot about this over the years here on this site and on freeminds about one simple point: The GB is all about them, never about you.
So don't look for absolutes or any consistency. All they care about is finding people they can fool, trick, and keep donating, either their time or their money, so that they can continue on their delusion of grandeur binge that has now lasted well over 100 years.
Peace to all. Tonight I'm gonna party like its 2014!