As we read the many expressions here on the board it is plain for all to see that the actions and beliefs of the WTS have caused great hurt and distress. Why, even blind Freddie can see it! In short, for many, many JWs the organisation with its elder arrangement just doesn't work. Too much law, too little Christian love.
But as we read the experiences here on the board, we need to weigh up the circumstances being revealed (or not revealed).
Many here on the board have never been DF. Many have not been DA. Nonetheless when posters bear witness to the errors of the WTS, is it because of personal hurt resulting from being DF, or is it because of deep conscientiously-held feelings that have resulted from much thought? It can make a difference.
An individual who comes to opinions at odds with Watchtower thinking and then expresses them is IMO in a different position to the individual who has been DF for some "Gross Sin" and has never taken the time to investigate their beliefs. Why, they may even think there is "nowhere else to go"! In other words, still bound by Watchtower thinking, they simply vent their anguish and anger at the hurts they experience because of being DF.
How different to the situation of ones like Silentlambs who have taken a well-considered position and in good conscience have taken their stand.
For some who have been DF, they later come to a realisation of what was wrong with the WTS. In other words, they have taken the TIME and the TROUBLE to investigate for themselves.
When next we read a post expressing anti-WT sentiment, we need to bear this in mind. Especially should the lurkers, the ones still JW, be aware (as I suspect they might be) that not all are simply ex-Borg for ideological reasons. Some have been DF for behaviour that is not only at odds with the WTS code but also the code of their local community i.e. illegal. Posters who continue in the anti-social, illegal behaviour for which they were DF and continue to promote it do not have the 'freeness of speech' that ones such as Silentlambs have earned.
Just my thoughts.
"If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."
- Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress