HELP! i cant figure this out....
by dm6 2 Replies latest social entertainment
It could be anything really... and everything...
We make decisions every day without thinking about it that are very important - do we allow people to treat us disrespectfully in traffic, or in line at the market? It's important because it is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. Or, a reflection of our inner self-control in the face of rudeness. Yet, we usually don't deliberate about our reaction - it just happens. It is the same with so many little, important things that happen every day. We don't think about it, we just naturally move through the choices.
Yet we will deliberate for days about what to serve for dinner this weekend to friends we hardly ever see.
Another thought: I wonder how many people truly think about their religious choices. If someone is not raised in a high-control religion, or are never hurt by their church, do they even question whether they belong there? Could the question be about beliefs? political - religious
I can't answer for the above author's intention, I can just riff off what I read.
What do you think it means, DM6??
Well rocky girl, i know the meaning of it, since i was the author. There is a hidden message :P