Young lady (18yrs.) killed by hit and run, It,s God will.

by jam 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jam

    A friend grandaughter killed by A hit and run driver

    recently. A mutual friend, who is A Minister told her

    it was God,s will, her time to die.

    Ok first of all, the autopsy reveal traces of drugs

    in her system. She was walking alone late at nite.

    She was 18yrs. Her life was cut short.

    But if you believe it was God,s will, then she

    could have been at home with Mom and Dad

    watching TV, and at the moment she was killed

    she would have died for know apparent reason

    watching TV. I hate it when people make

    that statment. God had nothing to do with her death.

  • james_woods

    We have a parallel and opposite thread going where a witness claimed that Jehovah's spirit was upon the watchtower because they won certain cases in the U.S. supreme court.

    If we are lucky, that is god's will.

    If we are unlucky, that is because god (or maybe satan) is punishing you.

    Regardless of your contributing behavior.

  • serenitynow!

    Yet another argument against worshipping god (that is, if he even exists which he doesn't). If god wills terrible things to happen, what kind of a person is he? You mean he wanted that to happen? And I should worship this person who wills terrible things? I wouldn't have such a person as even a casual acquaintance, much less worship him. Was the torture and murder of that poor child in Brooklyn, who was on his way home from worshipping god at his day camp; was that part of "His" will too? I wonder if religious people who utter that dumb statement about god willing a child's untimely death realize that that makes their god look like a total a**hole!

  • jam

    James; God will allways come out on top.

    Serenitynow; Yes they believe they are consoling

    the person, but what they are doing is confusing

    the person. My friend stated afterward, so it

    was God,s will to kill my young grandaughter, why.

    It makes no sense

  • james_woods
    James; God will allways come out on top.

    He certainly did during the flood. Except that Satan and the Demons got away. And they are scaring the JWs still through antique books and garage sale mirrors, according to thier highest priests.

    Sorry, I have no sensitivity on this kind of religious platitude - bad things happen to good people, good things happen to bad people - and the opposite too.

    If god decided every single fate, there would be no need or even a point for any kind of human self responsibility.

  • designs

    The strongest Believer weeps at Funerals.....

  • GOrwell

    it's cold; but sometimes shit just happens.

  • Joliette

    I can comprehend how god would let an innocent children like these just die. Oh, let me remember: god has a special plan for them ;)

  • shepherd

    As the doc on Deadwood said: 'if it's the will of God.....then he's a son of a bitch!'

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