manifesto of the gunman Breiviks, sounds spookily like the JW's!

by highdose 4 Replies latest social current

  • highdose

    He views the slaughter of innocent life to be justified. hates gays, thinks women should be submissive and subjgated. also believes his goals are for the good of society and that all his money should be spent on this aim. Even if this goal is to murder masses of people.

    Sorry if you don't agree, but seems only a few notches up from a JW book to me.

  • designs


    That's a little extreme. JWs don't go to war and kill and they are discouraged from owning guns or using violence against an attacker. Some of the other rants by this sicko he's picked up from the Bible in general. You would be more in the ballpark to say that Jesus advocates violence as part of the ultimate solution because he invites his followers to ride with him at the Second coming to wipe out opposers, Rev.19:14,15.

  • sizemik

    I think there's a line most JW's would never personally cross.

    But they essentially espouse a seperatist existence which subjugates women, hates gays, and looks forward to the annihilation of all dissenters, facilitating world domination. It's not exactly an inclusive and community minded ideology. And yes, the ideology, if not the members themselves, is not that much different.

  • glenster

    The JWs leaders can't touch him for exclusiveness:

    During interrogation, Breivik has claimed he is part of an "international
    Christian military order", that "fights" against "Islamic suppression". The
    order is allegedly called the "Knights Templar", and according to his manifesto
    has an estimated 15 to 80 "ordinated knights", and an unknown number of "civil-
    ian members".

    The organisation was reportedly founded by nine members; two Englishmen, and
    one Frenchman, German, Dutchman, Greek, Russian, Norwegian and Serb.


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    This view is extreme. Not anything close to JW like. Big difference in thinking God will kill people and advocating humans killing those with different viewpoints. The guy was a CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST, not a JW.

    Think About It


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