Questions from Readers,
Recently my wife and I divorced. It was a non-scriptural divorce. In the last few months we decided that even though we couldn't stand each other to live with the SEX was good. We decided to resume sexual relations. We assumed since our divorce was not recognised by God or the WT corporation that would be OK.
Elder Stickshis Nozein found out about our arrangement and thought there were grounds to disfellowship us. My question is ..what would be the grounds since it couldn't be adultery or fornication according to God's law. Thanks for your reply S.E.X. USA
Although it is true that your divorce is not recognised in scripture or by the WT corp™ you have violated an even more sacred principle.
You have been guilty of BRAZEN CONDUCT. In the scriptures (NWT ONLY) the Apostle Paul clearly outlined this as a reason to expell ones from the congregation
The definition of BRAZEN CONDUCT is found on page 69 of the " Shepherd the Flock of God" book.
Quote... "you are pissing us off and we don't like it" Naturally this is the most serious sin there is and needs to be dealt with firmly.
In addition to being DF'ed you will be made to sit facing the corner at the KH for a period of not less than one year.
A article will be in an up coming WT Please review it
Christian Love and Greetings WTBTS