Why is no one else singing??? It's so strange! Was she doing a solo or what?
Question about this pic of JWs from the 1940s ....
by Wild_Thing 6 Replies latest jw friends
Judging by the expressions on the faces around her, she is bloody awful !
I mean the lady behind her is in tears ..of pain and the granny next to her is thinking..."lawdy I feel like poking her in the eye ..!"
LoisLane looking for Superman
The camera caught her at a bad moment just before she sneezed. lol
Or maybe she just woke up and was yawning. lol
Or, maybe she picked up someone else's book, opened it up and was shocked to see a picture of a nikked man! lol The old lady next to her had seen plenty of that nikked man stuff in her life and apparently, was not too impressed. "Seen one, seen them all". lol The lady on our right looks like she's thinking, "Umm those ladies ought to be paying attention and not be looking at what they are a lookin at". lol
PS Can't say that I have ever seen this picture because I haven't. Thanks for sharing.
One mouth fully opened, 100 closed with frowns interchanging with bored countenances. Feel the seething fundamentalism. The end is too close to handle so let's delay it. It could be any scene in a local kingdom hall in 2015.
Close to 70 years separates then from now. Not much has changed. The pungent boredom of waiting to catch the end of this wicked system of things with one open mouth looks and feels just the same.
You think that one's funny ... this one is hilarious! The guy looks like he is jacking off under the water while he is ogling her.
The description reads "CANADA - AUGUST 12: Model Dedicates Life to Jehovah; Fashion model Heather Farrar prepares for baptism as convert to the Jehovah's Witnesses during annual Watchtower convention yesterday. She is helped by Fred Holder; left; and Larry Sikorski in special pool set up at Woodbine Racetrack. Miss Farrar; one of more than 100 people baptized; said; I want to dedicate myself to Jehovah God. Convention; which started Thursday and ends tomorrow; has attracted 12;000. The immersion ceremony was one of the highlights. (Photo by Graham Bezant/Toronto Star via Getty Images)" Source
William Penwell
The first picture might have been staged for the camera. The second one is funny. His hand under the water looks like he is moving back and forth and then the look on his face is priceless. -
We have some singers like that in my hall. Out of time and out of tune. It's probably even the wrong song.
The second one is brilliant - he'll never be allowed to baptise again!
That was 1977 JW porn!