I'm spiritually refreshed, can I borrow $ 7,000 ?

by man in black 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • man in black
    man in black

    We know an out of state couple, (early 40's) who have been jw's for most of their lives. I'll call them Dave and Kathy.

    When they got married 15 years ago, kathy was a hard worker who did this religion mainly to keep her parents happy ( Dad was the PO).

    Dave was starting his own business, he never held a real job in his life, and he was pretty zealous for the jw way of life.

    Over the years they had their ups and downs, but around 5 years ago they both stopped attending the meetings, and were doing a textbook "fade". We would hear from them about every 2-3 months, and his business seemed to be doing well, Kathy was a stay at home wife who worked pt at home doing computer work. Two years ago they had an opportunity to buy an older house but because he was self-employed they were having trouble with the mortgage. It was some kind of a special deal, the owner was an older lady who wanted to sell the house, and since Dave and Kathy were starting out, she did them a favor. So my wife and I sent them $500 to help them get the house. Dave was extremely thankful, saying that he would pay us back as soon as everything was completed and his business picked up. (Never saw a penny of that money),,

    Two years later, ( we hardly heard from them during this time,) Dave calls my wife out of the blue last night saying, " I have some good news, and some bad news". OK, start with the bad..... It seems that he has not paid his mortgage in 9 months, and the owners family is going to evict them next week. He needs $7000.00 to get everything current.

    My wife was speechless, she told him no, we could not spare that kind of money ( no doubt we would never see it again)! And after prodding her for 20 minutes he finally gave up and said " well, here is the good news". It seems that he has returned to the kingdom hall, and has signed up for the theocratic school. He said that the brother he is studying with told him that " because you (Dave) have started to put jeh. first in your life again, satan is working double-time to discourage you. Just keep attending meetings, and putting god first and everything will work out"

    My first reaction after hearing this was,, why not get a JOB and take responsibility for your own debt, instead of taking the easy jw way out..

    And to top it off, his wife Kathy is considering leaving him because of all this nonsense. And the way I see it, she will be the bad person because she does not go to meetings. So because of not putting god first as the wt states, she will be punished .

    By returning to the wt, he will not feel obligated to handle his own self-made problems. And what kind of a man calls a woman ( my wife, he knows both of us together) and asks for $7000, why not call me ?

    To me this seems like an unrealistic situation all around, and it is made worse because of the jw "put the kingdom first" mentality.

  • jay88

    Doesn't "Putting the Kingdom first" mean that you have the responiblity of taking care of of your household?

  • Magwitch

    Deadbeat = Dave

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Talk about nerve. Another scam JW couple trying to play on the hearts of other JW's as they try to use 'being back in the truth' on others in order to get their sympathies.

    Think About It

  • ziddina

    Good grief... But as others have said, how typical... The JWs I knew, when I was still in, were some of the slimiest, dishonest twits I've ever seen. One never saw so many suckers for "get rich quick" schemes as amongst the JWs...

  • out4good3

    This happens more often than you think.

    A JW relative cornered my wife with an off the wall request like that a while back.

    This JW lady thought she was sooooo slick.......before she asked my wife for the money, she made sure she wasn't on speaker. She then poured on the tears and asked for $5000.

  • sinis

    I have been asked in the past - I usually tell people that money has ruined more friendships in the history of the world than anything else. Because I value our friendship I cannot loan you the money in the event that something happens and I am not repaid. However, with that in mind I offer to help them by sitting them down and planning some sort of fiscal sheet on how they can manage their own money. I usually get the thanks, but no thanks. At least I still have my friends... oh thats right they all left when I left the cong...

  • Retrovirus

    Poor "Kathy"!

    And even for "Dave", it must be a big stretch to believe that "Jehovah providing" means that you have to leech off friends and acquaintances.

  • rebel8

    Hilarious. He is not respecting your headship in your own household (according to archaic, totally ridiculous biblical principles) nor is he asking to borrow $ from his own "brothers" who have a scriptural obligation to help him.

  • Awen

    To quote Paul. "He that does not work, neither let him eat."

    Pretty straighforward. I think this would apply to having a roof over one's head. If they cannot at least put forth the effort, then no charity should be given to them. This isn't a lack of love I am suggesting, but the opposite.

    Having been homeless myself 3 times (due to my own idiocy) I had to survive off the charity of others. I hated it for I knew I could do better and I have. Many homeless persons though are quite content to live off of others. They choose to remain homeless and not have the responsibility that goes along with being a well-adjusted resposible adult. Now if you can be homeless without sponging off of others, then hooray for you. Some actually are able to do this as a house does not a home make (if you get my meaning).

    Jesus was a homeless man, but he never sponged off anyone. People gave because they wanted to. He never asked for a denarai.

    I wouldn't help this person as he seems uninterested in helping himself. Everyone has to learn, I guess he just hasn't yet. Show him Love by not feeding his laziness. Show yourselves Love by not buying into his laziness.

    Peace and Love,


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