See untitled topic.
Oops! The topic that I posted is show that I saw today about cults
by MsDucky 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think it just got so buried so quickly.
Here is link to the untitled thread:
MsDucky - maybe you want to start a fresh thread with a proper title??
Aude Sapere thanks for doing that. I had just gotten back from getting chemo when I posted that. The pre-medications that I receive, Decadron and Aloxi (not to mention the CMF the chemo), kind of makes me goofy and loopy. I couldn't go back and edit it to add the title.
Right now, I can't sleep because of the Decadron.
Thanks again.
When I was looking for the video "I Survived - Cults", I ran across this post on another board:
When I was a Scientologist, there was no way under the sun, moon and stars that anyone would have convinced me I was in a "cult".
No way!I was the same. My thinking was that Scn was "too big to be a cult." A few years ago, my Mom asked me after watching some "entheta" show about Scn whether Scn was cult. I, of course, answered "no way!" To this she asked, "Can you leave Scn anytime you want?" Though I answered "yes," it got me to thinking that there was no way in hell that I could just up and leave with serious ramifications. This was most likely the start of a long gradient of awakening. The thinking, "Oh God, am I in a cult?" "I couldn't be because I am one of upper tenth of the upper tenth [don't remember the exact quote] of intelligent human beings on Earth." But, I was told that by them. Damn!
I always thought that I was too intelligent to be hooked by a cult. Alas, I was duped. Hooked me in a vulnerable and gullible moment when I was in a funk - Damn!
As the venerable Ty Webb (Chevy Chase) says, "...Much better now though." Caddyshack is my new religion.___________________
I think that's the way a lot of people feel about Jehovah's Witnesses. . .they're too big to be a cult. . .humph!