@ Punkofnice
Rom 8:17 "If, then, we are children, we are also heirs: heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ."
Gal 3:29 "Moreover, if YOU belong to Christ, YOU are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a promise.
Only the anointed (+Jesus) are referred to as 'heirs' in the Greek Scriptures, and only 'heirs' get the inheritance. There are 'heirs' to God's kingdom and all it encompasses, including planet earth.
The "great crowd" are just the household servants. They hold the earth in trust for Christ and his bride as permanent tenants. They inherit nothing. They should just be grateful to draw oxygen and work.
I don't have access to a WT-CD, but I'd like to see a quote which expressly says the 'meek ones will inherit the earth' - being applied to the great crowd. Not "possess" or 'live on". One of the quotes I provided (from jwfacts) was from The Insight book, which is still considered current Watchtower truth.