what pages and paragraphs are we considering in our bookstudy this week? Thanks.
what pgs. are we considering in our bookstudy?
by ninjaturtle 3 Replies latest jw friends
please turn your books to page 246 see the pretty picture? Now little Johnny, what does that picture tell you about Jehovah.? -
chapter 15, par. 15-24. page 195-200. I especially like this:
18. What of today? Israel was an apostate nation. Hence, the way Hezekiah tried to help individuals in that nation to return to true worship reminds us of how true Christians today try to help individuals in the apostate organization of Christendom. Since 1919, couriers from 'the Israel of God' have gone through Christendom, inviting people to share in true worship. Some...abandon worship at the unholy altars-devotion to and trust in man-made gods--and eagerly turn to Jehovah.
19 ...His heavenly Kingdom will destroy EVERY TROUBLE-MAKING ORGANIZATION AND INDIVIDUAL.. (Caps mine).
oh yeah..Isaiah Volume One!!!
In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"
What JW book are we studying nowadays? Divine Plan of the Ages? Oooops, sorry, its outdated, right? Babylon the Great Has Fallen Book? Oh no, no, outdated too, no "lasting truth" here........Commentary on the Letter of James? Wow, not outdated, just written by apostates!! Can’t use that book!! What a waste of time..............
Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once - Buckaroo Bonsai