Band on the Run writes:
“May I ask how you find your treasures to post on your blog? Do you do definite searches or do you just leaf through and voila, the embarrassments are plentiful?”
Believe it or not, it works like this:
When I get the urge I go to my library and just pull a book from the shelf and give myself two minutes to find an interesting target. For me it could be a comical day, a studious day, a whimsical day, a news day, a teaching day, or a learning day, etc.
When I flip through my library so many memories are recalled from decades back that it is not very difficult to stir something to talk about. And, I have tons and tons of stuff that I have not yet touched.
However I feel when the urge hits influences what I pick, polish and publish. It’s fun and, based on feedback, helpful to quite a few. Sometimes I image certain illustrations just because they catch my eye and for no particular reason otherwise. Later on I might realize something of interest regarding the image and I upload and comment accordingly.
Marvin Shilmer