If memory serves me correctly the WTO taught/teaches the the "chief cornerstone" metaphor representing Christ refers to the stone at the bottom corner of a structure as opposed to the "capstone" (the final stone forming the point or apex of a pyramid). Does anyone know if this is still part of their doctrine? It seems to me that the capstone (like the image on the back of a dollar bill) is the correct interpritation. This particular doctrine may seem insignificant but it is a small part of a group of strange teachings by the WTO (Michael as Christ, stake vs. cross etc.) that I am researching to determine where these ideas came from. For example the idea and teaching that Jesus is actually Michael the archangel came from none other than Ellen White (founder of the 7th Day Adventists) when in 1844 she had a dream where it was revealed to her. It then became a part of Adventist doctrine. The WTO has an "inspired teaching" from a dream that a leader of false religion had over 150 years ago.