Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 08-07-2011 WT Study (GOOD NEWS)

by blondie 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 08-07-11 WT Study (JUNE 15, 2011, pages 7-11)(GOOD NEWS)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

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    jv = Proclaimers book


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    “The good news . . . is, in fact, God’s power for salvation.”—ROM. 1:16.


    What do many jws think is the good news for them? How many wish for the end so they no longer need struggle financially, or with their health or face death? But do they realize they are wishing away the lives of 7 billion non-jws, men, women and children, eternal destruction with no resurrection?


    1, 2. Why do you preach the “good news of the

    kingdom,” and what aspects of it do you stress?

    ‘I AM happy to share the good news each

    day.’ Likely that sentiment has crossed

    your mind or lips. As a devoted Witness of

    Jehovah, you know how important it is to

    preach “this good news of the kingdom.”

    You may be able to recite from memory Jesus’

    prophecy about our doing that.—Matt. 24:14.


    Likely = WTS are mind readers

    Devoted Witness of Jehovah = not a devoted Christian (by divine providence)

    Can you be a Christian and not a jw?

    How many jws can recite any scripture—I could but I was viewed suspiciously by other jws that as a single sister I had time to memorize scriptures.

    Does being able to recite something mean you understand it? (10 year old Koran)

    How often does the WT CD Library use Matthew 24:14 each month on an average in 2009?

    2 In preaching the “good news of the

    kingdom,” you are continuing what Jesus

    started. (Read Luke 4:43.) Doubtless, one

    point that you stress is that God will soon intervene

    in human affairs. With the “great

    tribulation,” he will end false religion and

    clear the earth of wickedness. (Matt. 24:21)

    You probably also highlight that God’s

    Kingdom will reestablish Paradise on earth

    so that peace and happiness can flourish. In

    fact, the “good news of the kingdom” is part

    of “the good news [declared] beforehand to

    Abraham, namely: ‘By means of you all the

    nations will be blessed.’ ”—Gal. 3:8.


    Is there any proof that Jesus went door to door?

    How that must draw people to the WTS to tell them that soon all 7 billion non-jws, men, women and children are going to descend into eternal destruction!

    Instead of “paradise earth” which phrase does not occur in the Bible, the WTS says “Paradise on earth.” Can you find the word in paradise combined with earth in the bible?

    Yes, can you tell them about the peace in your congregation, how Sister COBOE will not talk to Sister Watchtower Conductor?

    3. Why can we say that the apostle Paul emphasized

    good news in the book of Romans?

    3 Could it be, though, that we might give

    little attention to a key aspect of the good

    news that people need? In the letter to the

    Romans, the apostle Paul used the word

    “kingdom” only once, but he used the expression

    “good news” 12 times. (Read Romans 14:17.)

    What aspect of the good news did Paul

    refer to so often in that book? Why

    is that particular good news vital? And why

    should we keep it in mind as we preach “the

    good news of God” to people in our territory?—

    Mark 1:14; Rom. 15:16; 1 Thess. 2:2.


    How often does the WTS use the word kingdom in its “suggested” presentations in the KM each month? How many times good news?

    Is the good news that jws look forward is the destruction of the wicked = wickedness?

    What Those in Rome Needed

    4. During his first imprisonment in Rome, about

    what did Paul preach?

    4 It is instructive to note the topics that

    Paul addressed when he was first imprisoned

    in Rome. We read that when a number

    of Jews visited him, he bore ‘thorough witness

    concerning (1) the kingdom of God

    and used persuasion with them concerning

    (2) Jesus.’ The result? “Some began

    to believe the things said; others would

    not believe.” Thereafter, Paul ‘would kindly

    receive all those who came in to him,

    preaching (1) the kingdom of God to them

    and teaching the things concerning (2) the

    Lord Jesus Christ.’ (Acts 28:17, 23-31) Clearly,

    Paul gave attention to God’s Kingdom. But

    what else did he stress? Something that is

    central to the Kingdom—Jesus’ role in God’s



    How many times does “Jesus” appear in those “suggested” presentations.

    How much do jws teach about Jesus or is it all about Jehovah?

    5. What real need did Paul address in the book of


    5 All people need to know about Jesus and

    put faith in him. In the book of Romans,

    Paul addressed this need. Early on, he wrote

    of “God, to whom I render sacred service

    with my spirit in connection with the good

    news about his Son.” He added: “I am not

    ashamed of the good news; it is, in fact,

    God’s power for salvation to everyone having

    faith.” Later he referred to the time

    “when God through Christ Jesus judges the

    secret things of mankind, according to the

    good news I declare.” And he related: “From

    Jerusalem and in a circuit as far as Illyricum

    I have thoroughly preached the good news

    about the Christ.” * (Rom. 1:9, 16; 2:16; 15:19)

    Why, do you think, did Paul stress Jesus

    Christ to the Romans?

    *Similar expressions appear in other inspired books.

    —Mark 1:1; Acts 5:42; 1 Cor. 9:12; Phil. 1:27.


    All people need to know about Jesus = but what has the WTS said about all being preached to individually?

    And while Paul may have emphasized Jesus, but that does not mean the WTS does. Remember Paul made himself known as a Christian, not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses highlighting Jesus not Jehovah.

    I wonder how many people in India and China have been called on (2 billion); how about the Muslim countries which outlaw proseltyzing?

    Oh, that's right everyone doesn't have to have an individual witness...

    *** w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 "Keep on the Watch" ***

    Fifth, we see a global preaching work being accomplished, which Jesus said would take place just before the end of this system. Jesus stated: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14) Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.

    *** w65 9/15 pp. 575-576 Questions From Readers ***

    Since millions of persons in China and other places have never heard the Kingdom message, will these people be preserved through the destruction of Babylon the Great and the war of Armageddon, or perhaps be resurrected later?—H.S., U.S.A.

    It is important to understand what the Bible says about the destruction to come at the end of this system of things. In his illustration of the sheep and the goats Jesus indicated that a separating work would be done "when the Son of man arrives in his glory," and that persons would be classed as either "sheep" or "goats." (Matt. 25:31-46) In part, the basis for the separation would be the reaction of people to the preaching of the good news of the established kingdom. That preaching work is now being done by Jehovah’s witnesses. Jesus explained that those on earth who favorably responded to that message and treated kindly its bearers would be classed as "sheep" and would enter into "everlasting life." The rest of mankind who did not respond favorably to the preaching work and offered no aid to those who carried the Kingdom message would be classed as "goats" and would go, not into a temporary death, but into "everlasting cutting-off" at the time when judgment is executed.

    But some persons, appreciating that millions of people are to be resurrected and given an opportunity to serve God, wonder if the millions of individuals living today who apparently have never heard the Kingdom message preached will be everlastingly destroyed without ever having had a witness about God’s purposes. It is true that at present it appears that there are vast numbers of mankind who have not heard the Kingdom preaching. Also, from what the Bible says and from conditions in the world, we know that we are in the "last days." But we do not know just how much more will be accomplished in preaching the Kingdom message before the end comes. (2 Tim. 3:1-5; Matt. 24:3-13) If at the end of the second world war someone had said that the Kingdom preaching would be carried out, by more than a million publishers, in over 190 lands, including communistic countries, many might have found that hard to believe. Yet, Jehovah has blessed his people, and that is exactly what is being accomplished.So, if it is Jehovah’s will to have this message personally carried to the millions on earth who seemingly have not yet heard it, that will be accomplished. If he chooses, he could see to it that this message is spread in ways that we cannot yet imagine. Jesus did foretell that "this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matt. 24:14) We can rest assured that God will see that the preaching work is done to his satisfaction. After that "the end" comes.

    Then those who correspond with "goats," whether in China or elsewhere, will be pronounced "cursed" and will not be permitted to survive that "end" into God’s new order of things. Since these go into symbolic "fire" (like the Devil and his angels), their punishment will be everlasting. They will never be resurrected.—Matt. 25:41-46.

    "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace."—Ps. 37:10, 11.

    6, 7. What can we say about the start and makeup

    of the Roman congregation?

    6 We do not know how the Roman congregation

    started. Did Jews or proselytes who were

    present at Pentecost 33 C.E. return

    to Rome as Christians? (Acts 2:10) Or did

    Christian merchants and travelers spread

    the truth in Rome? Whatever the case,

    by the time Paul wrote the book, about

    56 C.E., the congregation was long established.

    (Rom. 1:8) What type of people made up that



    We do not know = but then the WTS gives 2 opinions which jws know must be viewed as fact.

    7 Some had a Jewish background. Paul

    greeted Andronicus and Junias as “my relatives,”

    likely meaning relatives who were fellow

    Jews. Tentmaker Aquila, in Rome with

    his wife, Priscilla, was also Jewish. (Rom. 4:1;

    9:3, 4; 16:3, 7; Acts 18:2) But many

    brothers and sisters to whom Paul sent

    greetings were likely Gentiles. Some may

    have been “of the household of Caesar,”

    perhaps meaning Caesar’s slaves and minor

    officials.—Phil. 4:22; Rom. 1:6; 11:13.


    Likely = another case of adding to the Bible by the WTS

    MAY HAVE BEEN = another adding to the Bible in a way that jws will take as fact.

    8. Those in Rome faced what predicament?

    8 Every Christian in Rome faced a predicament

    that also confronts each one of us.

    Paul put it this way: “All have sinned and fall

    short of the glory of God.” (Rom. 3:23)

    Clearly, all to whom Paul wrote needed to

    recognize that they were sinners and had to

    put faith in God’s means to meet that need.


    Notice even the WTS does not say that “every jw” in Rome

    All may have sinned but the WTS excuses their sins by saying they are only “imperfect men” and cannot be held accountable.

    Recognizing the Problem of Sin

    9. Paul called attention to what possible result of

    the good news?

    9 Early in the letter to the Romans, Paul

    pointed to the wonderful result that could

    come from the good news he kept mentioning:

    “I am not ashamed of the good news; it

    is, in fact, God’s power for salvation to everyone

    having faith, to the Jew first and also

    to the Greek.” Yes, salvation was possible.

    However, faith was necessary, in line with a

    profound truth quoted from Habakkuk 2:4:

    “The righteous one—by means of faith he

    will live.” (Rom. 1:16, 17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:

    38) But how does that good news, which

    can lead to salvation, relate to the fact that

    “all have sinned”?


    Salvation was possible = but the WTS teaches only through the organization, salvation resides only in being a jw.

    The good news highlighted in Romans involved Jesus’ vital role in God’s purpose

    10, 11. Why is the concept mentioned at Romans

    3:23 not strange for some people but is for others?

    10 Before a person can develop lifesaving

    faith, he must acknowledge that he is a sinner.

    The idea of being such would not be

    strange for those who grow up believing in

    God and having some familiarity with the

    Bible. (Read Ecclesiastes 7:20.) Whether

    they agree or have doubts, at least they have

    an idea of what Paul meant when he said:

    “All have sinned.” (Rom. 3:23) Yet, in carrying

    out our ministry, we may meet many

    who do not understand that statement.


    Then because those taking the lead in the WTS excuse their sins by saying they are “imperfect men” can they develop faith?

    Yes, and we meet many in the jw organization who do not understand the statement, “all have sinned.”

    11 In some lands, the average person is not

    raised thinking that he (or she) was born a

    sinner, that he inherited sin. Granted, he

    probably realizes that he makes mistakes,

    has undesirable traits, and may have done

    some bad things. And he observes that others

    are in a similar situation. Still, given his

    background, he does not really understand

    why he and others are like that. In fact, in

    some languages, if you say that a person is a

    sinner, others may think that you are saying

    that he is a criminal or at least a person who

    broke some rules. Obviously, a person growing

    up in such an environment may not

    readily think of himself as a sinner in the

    sense that Paul meant.


    In some lands (which ones), the average (what is average) person is not raised

    Some languages (which ones)

    Obviously…..what, what

    What does the average jw think “sinner” means? What answer would you get the next time they drop by (I’m not holding my breath, it’s been 10 years since they have dropped by)

    12. Why do many not believe that all are sinners?

    12 Even in lands of Christendom, many

    do not believe in the concept of being sinners.

    Why not? Even if they go to church on

    occasion, they consider the Bible account of

    Adam and Eve to be merely a fable or a

    myth. Others grow up in an anti-God climate.

    They doubt that God exists and therefore

    do not understand that a Supreme Being

    set moral standards for humans and that

    failure to uphold those standards amounts

    to sin. In a sense, they are like those in the

    first century whom Paul described as having

    “no hope” and being “without God in the

    world.”—Eph. 2:12.


    Did you know that “Christendom” is a pejorative term in the WTS?

    *** w05 9/15 p. 19 par.13***Likewise today, Bible prophecy indicates that militarized powers within the United Nations will see religion as a disturbing element and will act to destroy modern-day Jerusalem—Christendom—as well as the rest of Babylon the Great. (Revelation 17:12-17) Yes, the entire world empire of false religion stands on the brink of destruction.

    *** w521/1p.30TellthePeople“UntilCitiesBeWasteWithoutInhabitant”***That desolation will be accomplished by the ten “horns” of the beast which will turn on Christendom’s whorish system of Babylonish religion and wreck it. All of her religious systems will be affected, none will escape.

    So how many think Adam and Eve is a fable; has the WTS ever been in born again southern states or recognize conservative Christian religions?

    Anti-God climate-- who exactly, everyone outside the WTS actually since they don’t believe in the right God or the correct beliefs.

    No hope = doomed to eternal destruction soon, all 7 billion non-jws, men, women and children.

    13, 14. (a) What is one reason why those who do

    not believe in God and in sin are inexcusable? (b) To

    what has disbelief led many?

    13 In the letter to the Romans, Paul presented

    two reasons why such a background

    cannot be an excuse—not then, not today.

    The first reason is that creation itself bears

    witness to the existence of a Creator. (Read

    Romans 1:19, 20.) This accords with an observation

    Paul made when writing from Rome to the

    Hebrews: “Every house is constructed

    by someone, but he that constructed

    all things is God.” (Heb. 3:4) That line of

    reasoning points to there being a Creator

    who constructed, or brought into existence,

    the entire universe.


    The background cannot be an excuse = see back to that those in India, China, and Muslim countries have no excuse because of their background, eternal death is still their future.

    *** w65 9/15 pp. 575-576 Questions From Readers***

    Sincemillions of persons in China and other places have never heard the Kingdom message, will these people be preserved through the destruction of Babylon the Great and the war of Armageddon, or perhaps be resurrected later?—H.S., U.S.A.

    It is important to understand what the Bible says about the destruction to come at the end of this system of things. In his illustration of the sheep and the goats Jesus indicated that a separating work would be done “when the Son of man arrives in his glory,” and that persons would be classed as either “sheep” or “goats.” (Matt. 25:31-46) In part, the basis for the separation would be the reaction of people to the preaching of the good news of the established kingdom. That preaching work is now being done by Jehovah’s witnesses. Jesus explained that those on earth who favorably responded to that message and treated kindly its bearers would be classed as “sheep” and would enter into “everlasting life.” The rest of mankind who did not respond favorably to the preaching work and offered no aid to those who carried the Kingdom message would be classed as “goats” and would go, not into a temporary death, but into “everlasting cutting-off” at the time when judgment is executed.

    But some persons, appreciating that millions of people are to be resurrected and given an opportunity to serve God, wonder if the millions of individuals living today who apparently have never heard the Kingdom message preached will be everlastingly destroyed without ever having had a witness about God’s purposes. It is true that at present it appears that there are vast numbers of mankind who have not heard the Kingdom preaching. Also, from what the Bible says and from conditions in the world, we know that we are in the “last days.” But we do not know just how much more will be accomplished in preaching the Kingdom message before the end comes. (2 Tim. 3:1-5; Matt. 24:3-13) If at the end of the second world war someone had said that the Kingdom preaching would be carried out, by more than a million publishers, in over 190 lands, including communistic countries, many might have found that hard to believe. Yet, Jehovah has blessed his people, and that is exactly what is being accomplished. So, if it is Jehovah’s will to have this message personally carried to the millions on earth who seemingly have not yet heard it, that will be accomplished. If he chooses, he could see to it that this message is spread in ways that we cannot yet imagine. Jesus did foretell that “this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14) We can rest assured that God will see that the preaching work is done to his satisfaction. After that “the end” comes.

    And in 2000, the WTS again judged those who never were contacted as still worthy of eternal destruction.

    *** w001/15p.13par.17***(Matthew 24:14) Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.

    14 So Paul was on solid ground in writing

    to the Romans that any—including the ancient

    Israelites—who gave their devotion to

    lifeless images “are inexcusable.” The same

    can be said for those who gave in to immoral

    sexual practices contrary to the natural

    use of the male and female bodies.

    (Rom. 1:22-27) Referring to such reasoning,

    Paul rightly concluded that “Jews as well as

    Greeks are all under sin.”—Rom. 3:9.


    While “devotion” is not mentioned re elders, what does the Bible mean to give them “double honor”?

    Sexual practices contrary to the natural use = what about the WTS past and current practices dealing with pedophiles in their midst?

    We were all born with a fatal flaw—sin!

    A ‘Witness Bearer’

    15. Who have the faculty of conscience, with what


    15 The book of Romans identifies another

    reason why people should recognize that

    they are sinners and need a way out of that

    predicament. Regarding the code of laws

    that God gave to ancient Israel, Paul wrote:

    “All those who sinned under law will be

    judged by law.” (Rom. 2:12) Continuing his

    reasoning, he points out that people of nations

    or ethnic groups unacquainted with

    that divine code often “do by nature the

    things of the law.” Why do such ones commonly

    forbid incest, murder, and stealing? Paul identified

    the reason: They have a conscience.—

    Read Romans 2:14,15.


    So if the “people of the nations” can recognize that incest and by association child sexual abuse is wrong without the Bible, why does the WTS not recognize the sin by chalk it up to faulty memories?

    While the ransom sacrifice is applied to humans, at what point will sin disappear in individuals and in human society? In the WTS paradise on earth after Armaggedon? But how far into that arrangement, 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, or not until the end of 1,000 years? Will everyone become sinless at the same time or on a different timetable?

    *** wt chap. 21 pp. 188-189 par. 12***In like manner, Christ Jesus, as heavenly King of God’s Kingdom, will miraculously heal the blind, the speechless, the deaf, the physically maimed, the mentally afflicted, and those with any other sickness. (Revelation 21:3, 4) All obedient ones will get “sin’s law” nullified so that their thoughts and actions will be pleasing, both to themselves and to God. (Romans 7:21-23) By the end of the Millennium, they will have been brought to human perfection, in the ‘image and likeness’ of the only true God.—Genesis 1:26.

    *** w87 1/1 p. 27 par. 18 ***By the end of the Millennial Reign, all traces of inherited sin and imperfection will have been wiped out and God’s loyal ones on earth will be celebrating the full climax with which the Jubilee terminates.

    Why is it that the anointed jws on earth are sinners until they die and then they are instantly without sin, not needing 1,000 years?

    16. Why does having a conscience not necessarily

    mean avoiding sin?

    16 Nonetheless, you have likely seen that

    having a conscience that functions like an

    inner witness bearer does not mean that a

    person will follow its guidance. The case of

    ancient Israel shows that. Though the Israelites

    had both a God-given conscience and

    specific laws from God against stealing and

    adultery, they often violated both their conscience

    and Jehovah’s Law. (Rom. 2:21-23)

    They were doubly culpable and thus certainly

    were sinners, falling short of God’s standards

    and will. This seriously marred their

    relationship with their Maker.—Lev. 19:11;

    20:10; Rom. 3:20.


    Today the WTS means “we have no legal responsibility for our members choices” saying it is a “conscience” matter when everyone inside the organization knows it will lead to shunning/disfellowshipping by the organization (taking a blood transfusion, joining the military, voting for example)

    But then doesn’t the WTS teach that all fall short of God’s standards, that is are imperfect, often excusing their own serious errors and that of the elders, their representatives, saying “we are imperfect men.”

    *** w09 10/15 pp. 16-17 par. 18***At times, we may find it a challenge to obey the Bible-based direction given to us by the local elders. We are likely aware of their imperfections, and this may distort our view of their counsel. Still, Christ, the Head of the congregation, is pleased to use these imperfect men.

    *** w08 6/15 p. 4***Jehovah uses imperfect men to accomplish his will despite their shortcomings and problems, and the honor rightly goes to him.

    *** w07 4/15 p. 27 par. 11***Granted, the local elders were imperfect men, as was Titus, whom Paul sent to congregations to “correct the things that were defective.”

    *** w98 5/15 p.18 par. 9***Furthermore, in each local congregation, there are men appointed to take the lead. They are imperfect men whose faults we may readily see; yet we are urged to respect such overseers and to be submissive.

    17. We find what encouragement in the book of Romans?

    17 What we have considered from the

    book of Romans might seem to paint a grim

    picture of the human situation before the

    Almighty, including ours. However, Paul did

    not leave matters there. Quoting David’s

    words at Psalm 32:1, 2, the apostle wrote:

    “Happy are those whose lawless deeds have

    been pardoned and whose sins have been

    covered; happy is the man whose sin Jehovah

    will by no means take into account.”

    (Rom. 4:7, 8) Yes, God has arranged a legally

    proper means for pardoning sins.


    First ask yourself, doesn’t the WTS teach that Catholic priests do not have the authority to pardon sins? That Christians are not required to confess to priests but to elders? Why?

    *** w96 4/15 p. 28 Questions From Readers***There is no Scriptural basis for concluding that Christians in general, or even appointed elders in the congregations, have divine authority to forgive sins.

    But in typical speech out of both sides of their mouth, the WTS says:

    *** w96 4/15 p. 29 Questions From Readers***There are serious sins that congregation elders have to handle, such as stealing, lying, or gross immorality. They try to correct and reprove such wrongdoers, moving them to repentance. But if someone unrepentantly practices grave sin, these elders apply the divine direction to disfellowship the wrongdoer. (1 Corinthians 5:1-5, 11-13) What Jesus said at John 20:23 does not apply in such cases. These elders do not have miraculous gifts of the spirit, such as the ability to heal the physically sick or raise the dead; those gifts served their purpose in the first century and then ended. (1 Corinthians 13:8-10) Furthermore, elders today do not have divine authority to forgive serious wrongdoing in the sense of pronouncing a serious sinner clean in the eyes of Jehovah. This kind of forgiveness has to be on the basis of the ransom sacrifice, and only Jehovah can forgive on that basis.—Psalm 32:5; Matthew 6:9, 12; 1 John 1:9

    Good News Centered on Jesus

    18, 19. (a) On what aspect of the good news did

    Paul focus in Romans? (b) To get Kingdom blessings,

    we must recognize what?

    18 You might well respond, “That is really

    good news!” Indeed it is, which brings us

    back to the aspect of the good news that Paul

    highlighted in the book of Romans. As mentioned,

    Paul wrote: “I am not ashamed of the

    good news; it is, in fact, God’s power for salvation.”—

    Rom. 1:15, 16.


    What does the WTS is the way to salvation the source of that power?

    *** w93 9/15 p. 22***But if we were to draw away from Jehovah’s organization, there would be no place else to go for salvation and true joy.


    *** w90 11/1 p.26par. 16***We cannot take part in any modern version of idolatry—be it worshipful gestures toward an image or symbol or the imputing of salvation to a person or an organization.

    19 That good news centered on Jesus’ role

    in the outworking of God’s purpose. Paul

    could look forward to “the day when God

    through Christ Jesus judges the secret things

    of mankind, according to the good news.”

    (Rom. 2:16) In stating that, he was not minimizing

    “the kingdom of the Christ and of

    God” or what God will do by means of the

    Kingdom. (Eph. 5:5) But he showed that for

    us to live and enjoy the blessings to prevail

    under God’s Kingdom, we must recognize

    (1) our situation as sinners in God’s sight

    and (2) why we need to exercise faith in Jesus

    Christ to have our sins forgiven. When a

    person comes to understand and accept

    those parts of God’s purpose and sees the future

    that this opens to him, he can rightly

    exclaim, “Yes, that truly is good news!”


    When jws think of God’s purpose, do they think of vindicating God’s sovereignty or their own personal problems being fixed?

    Do non-jws realize that the WTS puts itself between them and Christ, that the only way to approach Christ is through the WTS organization?

    20, 21. In our ministry, why should we bear in

    mind the good news that is stressed in the book of

    Romans, and with what potential result?

    20 We should definitely bear in mind this

    aspect of the good news as we carry out our

    Christian ministry. With reference to Jesus,

    Paul quoted Isaiah’s words: “None that

    rests his faith on him will be disappointed.”

    (Rom. 10:11; Isa. 28:16) The basic message

    about Jesus may not be strange to those who

    are acquainted with what the Bible says

    about sin. For others, though, this message

    will be quite new, something not known or

    generally believed in their culture. As such

    ones come to believe in God and trust in the

    Scriptures, we will need to explain Jesus’

    role. The following article will consider how

    Romans chapter 5 develops this aspect of the

    good news. You will probably find that study

    to be useful in your ministry.


    So how many times does the average jw use the word “kingdom” in their presentation at the door? How many times is it modeled by the WTS in their suggested presentations?

    2009 Kingdom Ministry (What to say about the magazines—4 per km = 48)

    Jehovah 0 (the WTS never uses Jehovah in these presentations)

    God 28 (but never Jehovah)

    Jesus 14

    Kingdom 0

    Good news 0

    What do non-Christians believe about sin?

    21 How rewarding it is to help honesthearted

    ones to understand the good news mentioned

    repeatedly in the book of Romans, the

    good news that “is, in fact, God’s power for

    salvation to everyone having faith.” (Rom. 1:16)

    Beyond our being thus rewarded, we will

    see others agree with the sentiment that Paul

    quoted at Romans 10:15: “How comely are

    the feet of those who declare good news of

    good things!”—Isa. 52:7.


    Do jws highlight the “good news”? Not that I have seen in their publications regarding how to preach or in practice from door to door (consider that I spent 32 years after my baptism doing such 10 hours a month and for almost 10 years, 100 hours a month, with many other jws).

    Do You Recall?

    The book of Romans highlights what

    aspect of the good news?

    What fact do we need to help others

    to understand?

    How can “the good news about the

    Christ” mean blessings for us and




    But only through the WTS, so they say.

    Love, Blondie

  • blondie

    I guess this more boring than I thought.............

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    I was wondering when you were going to do this. I started to do a thread related to some of the points brought up in the WT Study, as a couple things really left me feeling hollow. I'm gonna wait and see if anybody touches on it within this thread first.

  • WTWizard

    It is boring. The whole article describes what the Romans did in an ancient time. It does little good today, since most of the tips are out of date by huge amounts.

    Then the final paragraph hits us with the lie about how rewarding it will be for us to spread this news. I never felt rewarded for someone else coming to an "accurate(??)" knowledge, even when I felt it was accurate. For who is it rewarding, the people I drag in? Jehovah? The Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger? The Washtowel Slaveholdery Corporation? The hounders that want to see bigger numbers so they don't get chewed out when the hounder-hounder visits? I never felt personally rewarded.

    As I see it, there are two possibilities, depending on whether one chooses to embrace Christianity or not. In the case where they do not, there is no original sin--people are programmed with laziness and dishonesty when they are little, and develop envy later. In the case where they choose Christianity, Jesus' gift of salvation is by grace, not works. (Ephesians 2:8 and 9) People will spread that "good news" as they see fit without any hounding from others or being led to believe they are not doing enough. And, they will realize that they probably hold erroneous beliefs--even if they accept Christianity. It is virtually impossible for anyone to have perfectly accurate knowledge of the Bible and hold a Christian viewpoint, so they are continually tweaking their understanding. And, if they put spreading it ahead of studying the Bible, they are bound to be spreading the bad viewpoints. And, if they are forced to continue teaching bad doctrines even after they see the errors, they multiply the problems.

  • jay88

    Yep. I had to sit through the meeting,....and I felt like it was degrading to the human race. This stuff can really suck the Dignity out of a person.

    It's sad

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Not too many people can take a lemon of an article like this weeks Watchtower study lesson (it was a drag!) and make lemonade out of it!

    I found your comments/review much more interesting and worth reading. As always enjoyed your research.

    Thank you.

  • Ding


    I admire your tenacity in wading through all that WT verbiage.

    The WT is skilled at saying things in such a way that JWs have to accept it, while leaving themselves wiggle room if they ever want to get "new light":

    "Evidently... likely... reasonably, then..."

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