The anointed (the Christs) or FDS (ruling religious clergy class) are placed above the GB in 1971, then below the elders (Pharisees) in 2007, and back above the GB in 2009.
What next in the Sanhedrin's (GB's) perpetual, unrepentant, and inane vignette of deception, smoke and mirrors, as well as spiritual blindness, confusion, inebriation, and insanity perpetrated on the laity (dumb sheeple)?
- w71 12/15 p. 749 (chart)
- w07 5/1 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers
- w09 10/15 p. 5 par. 10
In the New Covenant or Testament (scriptures) there is only ONE "the anointed" (ho Christos) which is always correctly translated as "the Christ" - even in the dangerously theologically biased New World Translation.