In a few weeks I am going to be disfellowshipped for being gay and my dad told me that I may want to read the two study articles coming up in the 15 July 2011, Watchtower regarding entering into God’s rest. I thought I would share my thoughts with you all.
The first article on page 24 is entitled: “God’s Rest-What Is It?”
It explains what God’s rest is and why it is important. As with all the Watchtower publications, it focuses on three eras: mosaic, messianic, and the present. I agreed with everything I read up until the last heading: “Entering into God’s Rest Today”. Despite the fact that the article just spoke about the importance of having faith and obedience in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the article appears to imply that there is a new entity in which we must place our faith and confidence! YOU GUESSED IT!!! “We can enter into Jehovah’s rest—or join him in his rest—by obediently working in harmony with his advancing purpose as it is revealed to us through his organization”. Can a true Christian really accept that this organisation has replaced Jesus Christ as Jehovah’s instrument through which we can have salvation? (1 Tim 2:5)
The second article on page 28 is entitled “God’s Rest-Have you entered into it?” and is far more controversial (and from my dad’s point of view is quite immoral).
On page 29, the heading entitled “Keep Pace with Jehovah’s Organisation” follows on from the previous article about trusting in the organisation. If one assumes what the bible teaches is correct and that Jesus is still the means that we enter into Jehovah’s rest then this section is irrelevant. These us terms such as “God’s unfolding purpose”. I was under the impression that his purpose for us at the moment has been unfolded and once completed, new scrolls would then be opened. Again the organisation is cast in the light that it has replaced the older arrangements, those of the mosaic and messianic laws.
The next heading: “When Someone We Love Leaves Jehovah” is detestable and in my dad’s eyes, immoral. As this article is coming up around the time of my being disfellowshipped, it is going to give the wrong impression to many. Paragraph 12 says: “Suppose, for example, that the only son of an exemplary Christian couple leaves the truth. Preferring “the temporary enjoyment of sin” to a personal relationship with Jehovah and with his godly parents, the young man is disfellowshipped.” I believe the article makes the readers assume that if one is disfellowshipped then he is “enjoying” sin, for example by leading a sordid life of pleasure. Then to say that this one has sacrificed his relationship with Jehovah for this, is taking it a step further. In my case, I am certainly not living this life because I’m “enjoying” sin, and I don’t feel my relationship with Jehovah has been sacrificed. The only thing that gets me is that the brothers and sisters whom I have been friendly with will likely assume that about me.
The rest of this section encourages parents to quite literally sever all their ties with their disfellowshipped children. It encourages parents to stick to Jehovah and his council on the matter, making them out to be victims. Paragraph 17 says: “How would Jehovah feel, though, if the parents of an unrepentant wrongdoer kept putting Him to the test by having unnecessary association with their disfellowshipped son or daughter?” If this isn’t guilt tripping, I don’t know what is! My dad told me he would never give me up for this kind of nonsense. Cheers papa!
All in all, I enjoy looking at such articles and trying to understand the truth in the bible. I have a good idea what God’s rest is now, but I have also proven to myself, and hopefully those who have read this, that the JW’s have a very warped idea of what God’s rest really is.