Sigh. I've posted a few times mostly about personal life with the WT. I haven't been to an indoctrinationsales meeting in years (7+?). guess you could say I'm a third generation JDub, or was...though technically I'm inactive. My grandparents are very into the WT and one of my siblings....another is on the fence depending on their mood that day. None of the rest of the fam is into it any more or they never were part of it. I go visit the GPs on occasion and get the "Jehovah loves you and wants you at the meetings" and "don't you want to survive armageddon to see xyz? I know they will want to see you when they are resurrected". Blah blah blah. I usually do the head nod, uh huh, yeah, uh huh.
Getting married to a non-JW at the end of summer. So the fiance and went to see the GPs. The GPs never really bring up religion if I have a buffer. I knew in the back of my head they would bring it up but just w-a-s-n-t expecting it. Sigh.
The fiance was asked "so what do you think about marrying into a Jehovah's Witness family?" Keeping in mind I never attend anything any more. Gave the we talked about the JW doctrine and such. Kinda tried to change topic. Then I got asked what I thought about marrying into a family that is Catholic. Didn't give much in reply other than it's different. Which of course was followed up with being told how the "world's" morals are so bad like Sodom and Gomorrah, how there was homosexuality there which is against the bible and how they make movies about gays and how it wasn't until recently that sodomy was made legal.
I really wanted to to mention how Lot's daughters raped their father and committed incest with him, but that's ok compared to possibly sodomy and allowing Lot's daughters to be raped by the masses. So stupid. Then of course I have a nephew who is gay, one of the fiance's relatives is gay...there is a gay couple invited to the wedding and a lesbian. Did I mention the minister who is doing the wedding is gay? Oh wait, didn't mention any of that to them. I know they are old and mean well...but really?
The fiance leaves the room eventually. I get grilled asking if I go to sales meetings occasionally. "uh huh". Make sure I go to the memorial and not partake. The district convention was in my city this year and did I go? Actually it was in the city next to the one I live in and wouldn't ya know it I had family in town, couldn't make it.
Be strong. Sorry. Just had to vent.