What can we do to make the world a little bit better than we met it for the benefits of future generation?.
All views are welcome
by mankkeli 6 Replies latest jw friends
What can we do to make the world a little bit better than we met it for the benefits of future generation?.
All views are welcome
Not be assholes, even if it takes real guts?
legalize pot.
Be willing to be an asshole when it's the right time for it.
Support local farming, organic farming if you can.
Support your local food Bank
Be a mentor, teach someone
Join in local Environmental work programs and organizations that get the job done.
Support international groups helping in other countries
I support and work with-
Surfrider International
Doctors Without Borders
Mama's Kitchen
and others........
legalize pot.
only, if we select one state to be the Pot haven for reefer addicts. Let them show us how the world will be a better place when they are in the majority. I pick Mississippi for the honor.
Turn off the water while brushing your teeth
Have a "lights-out" night at least once a month
Go meatless at two days a month
Walk\bike more and drive less, carpool, telecommute
Volunteer at least twice a year