by The Quiet One 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Pams girl
Hi, I cant click on the link? Its not highlighted? *confused.com*?
Great post TQO . . . I seem to remember the letter from CoC (I think), but you've brought the two statements together and showed the black and white duplicity of the WTB&TS. This is not just your run of the mill hypocrisy . . . it's complete and utter treachery.
I've activated the links . . .
Pams girl
Thank you!
HYPOCRITES indeed.....
The Quiet One
http://www.watchtower.org/e/19970101/article_01.htm "This does not mean, though, that he will qualify to serve in a position of responsibility in the congregation. What are the Scriptural reasons for this? For one thing, an elder must be "self-controlled." (Titus 1:8) True, none of us have perfect self-control. (Romans 7:21-25) But a dedicated adult Christian who falls into the sin of child sexual abuse reveals an unnatural fleshly weakness. Experience has shown that such an adult may well molest other children. True, not every child molester repeats the sin, but many do. And the congregation cannot read hearts to tell who is and who is not liable to molest children again. (Jeremiah 17:9) Hence, Paul's counsel to Timothy applies with special force in the case of baptized adults who have molested children: "Never lay your hands hastily upon any man; neither be a sharer in the sins of others." (1 Timothy 5:22) For the protection of our children, a man known to have been a child molester does not qualify for a responsible position in the congregation. Moreover, he cannot be a pioneer or serve in any other special, full-time service." http://governingbodyletters.blogspot.com/2010/11/elders-can-hide-their-sins-andf-get.html