Hello everyone,
I'm new to this forum, but my girlfriend, manda-xo (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/214138/1/Looking-for-some-help) {her opening thread}, came across it some time ago and wish to share my story as well as look for some advice and opinions on how to proceed from the current standpoint with my family. Yes, it's true that I was born into JW cult. Aapproxiamately 6 years ago Manda and I started dating, I started coming into my own around that point, and recently (past year-ish) she helped me fully realize "truth" behind the organization.
We'd been living on our own for a couple years, until now, August 1, 2011. With job loss, we decided to move back to our respective parents places for a little bit to get ourselves jobs and re-established. Her family, whom never were witnesses, were more than happy take her back in and help her move towareds a fulfilling career. My parents said they will turn the page and move forward with helping me out. We had both been considering going back to school for some months before August, and I had presented the idea of staying with them for about a year till I complete my high schooling. Something they needed to consider, of course, and I respect that. I spoke with my little sister who is starting high school this year, asked her about what she wanted to do after school, a red flag went off inside when she said that she wants to do full time pioneer work. I told her that I have her best interests at heart and just want her to be happy, so I want her to think critically over her future. She was yelled at and given unneccassary greif for talking to a "worldly person", me.
The following morning, wasn't a pleasant one. Before they go to their meeting, they woke me up to have a "talk". It wasn't one I was looking forward to, though, I knew it was coming from talking to my little sister. In any case, when the discussion started, they immediately started talking about religion, and I stopped them and asked them to "respectfully, keep religion out of the discussion". And my mother said that I hit the final nail in the wood. That my stay with them wasn't working to begin with, and now they see why I can't stay there any longer. That it's a detrement to their spirituality. I explained them that I keep my activities from them, respectfully. Needless to say, we established strong differences in spiritual values, among other things I hope to one day talk with them about if they leave their group of men in Brooklyn. But, nonetheless, the conversation lasted about an hour and ending in me needing to move out in a couple weeks time. Probably not longer than September start at latest, a date, they didn't provide. They won't let me stay till I have enough to get my own place, they won't actually assist me financially, and yet, they have the audacity to throw it in my face with my mother telling me that she saw an ad in the paper for student housing too far from the school to get to on time. and she blindly thinks that's helping me.
I will admit I am very very hurt by what's happened, but I ask for any advice that anyone would be able to provide. I'm sorry that it's such a depressing story. I'm looking into government assistance, but it'll probably be about 3 weeks before something solid comes from it.
Thanks for reading and I appreicate alll the comments in advance!! :)