Who else thinks that ol' Chucky would've made a GREAT Circuit Overseer???
I love this!
by Mr. Falcon 7 Replies latest jw friends
No Room For George
I loved when they televised his parole reviews, although I think its cruel that they dangle that unrealistic carrot in front of him, or any inmate for that matter. He's hilarious though.
Mr. Falcon
Honestly, Miz, he ain't no more nuttier than most COs I've had to deal with.
No Room For George
Now that you say that Mr.Fal.............. you might be onto something........
What a wonderfully refreshing C.O. visit we had! Brother Manson is so warm and funny, and the young ones are drawn to him.
Mr. Falcon
hahahaa Zoiks. I'm sure the Tate family won't be able to have Bro. Manson over for lunch anymore, huh? (too soon?)
Anybody remember Robert Archibald? Short guy, bizarre accent, massive Napoleon complex? hahaha his mannerisms were eerily similar to Manson.
Ooh, MF...too soon. Wow. Just, wow.
Pink Floyd
Archibald said at a assembly one time "Sisters, if you get a return visit who is a man, turn it over to the brothers, because how can YOU as a woman teach a man???" Classic.