Do you know A "motor mouth" ?

by jam 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jam

    I have A brother, an hour in his present I get A

    migraine headache. I love my brother but he

    talks too much. It,s been times when he is talking

    he chokes. We have A friend, whatever the topic

    she is A authority on the subject. Then you have

    the ones that will not let your finish your point

    before they rudely interrupt and take over the

    conversation. Iam not A talkative individual,

    maybe that,s why I enjoy this site. At least I

    can get my point across.

    I remerber when I was A JW, there were many motor

    mouths I knew, I wonder why.

  • ziddina

    Me! Me! I'm a "motormouth"!!

    And I've been 'out' for 25 years...

  • blond-moment

    I am a motor mouth. I can talk to anyone, and can pretty much talk about anything.

    I find a couple of reasons for it in my case. 1. I really get chatty if I am passionate about a certain subject. 2. I talk when I am nervous. 3. I am one of those that thinks all moments of silence should be filled with talking, if you won't do it, I will. I also, think fast and talk fast at the same time. One of my good friends years ago was exactly the same, we would hold on simultanious converstations. Two totally different topics at the same time. People looked at us like we were crazy haha.

    I am not one who always thinks I am right, and I am not one who has to prove that I am right if you don't agree. When I am right, and I know it... I know it. You not believing it, doesn't change anything. I do have a habit of interrupting, but I tell all my friends right off the bat, do NOT let me get away with it. I don't realize I am doing it, and when it is brought to my attention, I can control it.

    I am getting better however. Realizing why I talk so much helps me to not talk so much. Am I talking too much? haha

  • jam

    blond-moment; It,s so funny you mention "I am

    one of those that thinks all moment of silence should be

    filled with talking." That,s my brother, if there is silence

    he will say huh, what did you say, (me) nothing man, nothing.

  • clarity

    Jam, hi

    actually motor mouths love people like you!

    {Iam not A talkative individual,} .....see, that could be why!

    Make sure to have a topic that interests you and then.....stand you ground! Good luck.

    Once had an aquaintence who would phone me ..... and say nothing!

    She would drop over ......and say nothing!

    Can you see what she was really doing? ......... not taking any responsibility.

    Someone else had to rescue her! Trying to fill up both sides of the conversation is almost impossible. Maybe, quiet people create motor mouths!

  • dm6
    One of my good friends years ago was exactly the same, we would hold on simultanious converstations. Two totally different topics at the same time. People looked at us like we were crazy haha.

  • moshe

    I got assigned a new apprentice 2 months after I started at Chrysler- why me? I couldn't say no, that's why.

    He was an obnoxious fellow I found out, who talked nonstop about his problem inlaws, psycho wife, hobbies gone wrong, health problems, etc. Whatever you had go wrong-- he could top it- like a bad vacation- well, he could tell you about all his vacations from hell- all of them - in minute detail. I decided I would never get a moment of peace, if I didn't break him of his bad conduct. So I hatched a plan- I would encourage him to talk- I would not let him stop talking. When he seemed to quiet down, I would prod him back to life- asking for more details on his crazy inlaws, car trouble, money trouble, wife trouble- his bad misfortunes could have become the fodder for a Dave Letterman skit- tragic-yet funny. Day after day I kept at him and then one day he came to our work area, sat down and I never heard a spontaneous peep out of him for the whole shift. It only took two weeks to do it- and everyone thanked me for curing him.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    My mom. Sphere knows.

  • jam

    Moshe; That,s funny and A great idea.

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