He was an elder and took his personal study seriously. In fact, the day the drunk driver crossed the center line and hit him head on he had been going over that Sundays Watchtower lesson in his head. When he woke up his whole life had changed. His wife had gray hair, his kids were no longer kids, they were adults. His dog, Spike, was long dead. 20 years had passed in a blink of the eye. The one thought he clung to was "The Turth", that rock of spiritual light that was always there. He couldn't wait to get back to the meetings.
He was warmly welcomed and once again devoured the spiritual food from the faithful slave. He began to have some questions and freely discussed them with the brothers and sisters. At one point he wrote the Society for clarification of the 1914 generation 'new light' and a couple of questions about the blood issue. The replys he received only left him with more questions.
He was disfellowshipped for apostasy a month later.
(this is hypothetical food for thought)