My mother passed away not very long ago. I was very close to her, and her death was sudden. It had me heavily reflecting on mortality, and even more on how to live life. The grief of loss was great, but I think I made some peace with death. I came to the conclusion - unlike what Witnesses believe - that death is the natural order of things. Observation of nature shows that nothing is truly permanent. I also noticed that I dealt with my mother's death better than many of my JW relatives. I found this a bit strange since they believe one day she will be resurrected. I think maybe the lack of closure has some psychological effect (or maybe they sense deep inside that the resurrection idea isn't true).
Dying doesn't bother me so much, it's more the idea of my body breaking down and getting sick. Some of my relatives died pretty agonizing deaths due to cancer. Others struggled with Alzheimers and other maladies before they died. A better case is my great grandfather, who lived a full life into his 90s with everything reasonably intact. One can only try to live as healthy and fully as possible, I guess...