I apologize ahead of time if this topic has already been posted. If not, I'm sure many are already aware that we had a 5.8 earthquake here on the east coast of the US at around 1:50 pm today..............we felt it here in CT
by Sunnygal41 7 Replies latest social current
I apologize ahead of time if this topic has already been posted. If not, I'm sure many are already aware that we had a 5.8 earthquake here on the east coast of the US at around 1:50 pm today..............we felt it here in CT
Wasn't it something! Thank you for posting about it. It seems to be big news everywhere, as it is a very rare event! Family up in Cincinnati even felt it, as did people in Toronto! I hope everyone is Ok!
Yep I felt it here. Felt like a big truck was driving by.
Graph: Severity and frequency of worldwide earthquakes with 1,000 or more deaths since the year 1900 with forecast based upon trend
pdf: FREE
Jehovah's Witnesses believe earthquakes have become more frequent and severe in recent years, and this is a sign of Armageddon approaching. Here is a graph of data collected by the US Geological Survey regarding the frequency and severity of worldwide earthquakes since 1900, with a mathematical forecast to 2050.
pssst....spoiler! The trend is slightly downward!
Felt it from 20 stories up. Hey, why is the building shaking? Coworkers thought it was a train - but no trains to be seen. Not wind either. I said remember this happened around 1:50 or so, I think it's an earthquake....
Hope everyone is safe and well.
I left New York an whole two hours before it happend and my family called to inform me of what happend.
Sitting on a bench in the Bronx eating lunch. I felt nothing, but heard about it moments later.
Yeah, I was disappointed. Didn't feel jack. I was working in a freezer and then heard something happened when I came out. On the way home, NPR said it was an earthquake. Would have been my first.