My sympathies, Ballistic. Hope you don't go completely ballistic on us.
MY anger has a lot to do with how the WT taught me the truth about all the lies promulgated by the Catholic Church, so I had a time of it, for years, accepting how the Catholic Church is a big fraud and how it affected ME.
They did not tell me the truth about all the WT lies: "The Truth", so now I'm going thru it all over again, just not as bad, because the Catharsis was re the Catholic Church, and I kinda got used to it. Now I realize ALL Organized Religion (contributions, rules, regulations, you "should," ad nauseam) is lo tov.
So, BELIEVE IT!!! As long as you're alive, you can gain understanding, wisdom, and love for yourself and others even though you "can't believe it," by "believing it."
Welcome to the "I don't believe it" club, Ballistic. If there is a good God "up there" he/she/it will have compassion on us, because we want to know what's "true" more than belong to some self-worshipping "Organization."
Isn't that the essence of what Jesus laid down for us?