Let's take a completely fresh approach.
Take out your eraser and wipe the blackboard clean.
Now, start over...
We can't go outside with a telescope and search the skies for a location for god or heaven.
There is a SOURCE for god ideas.
Depending on what your national and racial origin is the SOURCE may be some holy writings.
In the West, due to accident of birth (on our part) we have the BIBLE or scriptures.
This is a RECEIVED TEXT, so we are told.
Take it or leave it---you cannot go around it.
Can we all agree on one thing? There are possibilities:
1.Our particular holy writings are THE only true ones.
2.Our particular holy writings are only part of a group of true ones.
3.Our particular holy writings are not true ones/or/partially true.
4.There are no holy writings; all are false.
Does that not cover it? I think so.
If we can agree on the above possibilities can we agree on one more thing?
The more evidence we have about those holy writings, the closer we get to a fair choice ABOUT which of the 4 is true.
What constitutes genuine evidence?
a.Comparison to the original autograph documents
b.Chain of custody (provenance) of said documents
c. Internal and external harmony of text
d.A method of distinguishing between competing spurious texts and any actual pristine holy writings
Can we agree on this, too?
Okay. Let's stop and face some horrifying FACTS and see what we must honestly conclude without any bullshit, shall we?
1.Not one original autograph text remains in existence. Nobody preserved them. Nada.
2.Even 1st generation "copies" no longer exist. None whatsoever.
3.The only copies, of copies of purported originals exist as postage-stamp sized shreds dug out of rotting landfills.
4.Such writings as currently exist have internal disharmony calling for apologetic explanations to diffuse contradictions.
STOP! Can we honestly assert that a Supreme Being PRESERVED such holy writings?
If your answer is "NO", what remains for us to examine? How confident do we deserve to be that our own holy writings are AUTHENTIC?
An honesty inquiry into the evidence is not an agenda or an atheistic campaign of destructive apostacy.
Making false assertions of authority that God "must have" preserved "His holy word" is presumption without a foundational evidence.
If you were born in another country, another or another culture or another era your CONVICTIONS about these matters would be radically
different than they are.
What you BELIEVE is more of an accident than an intellectual feat of logic.