doesn't this one bible passage just about discount 90% of the witnesses from getting into their new system? they practically cornerned the market on sizing people up, and either discounting them or accepting them. i honestly think they are in a state of constantly judging just about everyone around them, including their spouses. soo?? just keep cherry picking that bible, and telling yourself it's the holy spirit talking to you.
was thinking about that post maninblack made...reminded me of an experience that just about put me on the floor, right before i stopped going. was out with this sister in service, and she made a stop on this call...(rather not give to much detail)...but apparently a fairly large sized family was inside the house, and one of their family members was we go up to the door and this woman answers (early 60's probably)...and she looked really upset depressed.....sort of just cracked the door open and indicated this was a bad time, real heavy shit was goin on inside the sister i'm with literally takes the watchtower and rams it through the 2 inch crack the woman had on her storm door, rams it right in her face...woman takes it and slams the