Rascal Rutherford, who remains "in good standing" to this day, it seems was quite clear that "all religion"..."is a snare and a racket".
Is the Watchtower "a snare and a racket"?
by Fernando 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
Is the Pope Catholic?
nancy drew
The watchtower is a snare because sometimes you have to chew off a part of yourself to get away.
It's a racket because racketeering is commonly practiced by the organization shunning is often euphemistically referred to as love.
Answer to question: God, Yes!
All religion is a racket. Its all designed to control the masses. Its a waste of time and energy and has no positive outcomes. If people would work to better their community’s instead of using a two thousand year old goat herders book of crap things would be much better off. Fuck the idea of god. I can't even say fuck god because he is non existent.