I so wish there was a "LIKE" button on here. Some of you say the most priceless things!
Oh and a 'DISLIKE' too... for all the Six Screens, OBVES etc. postings... LOL!
by headisspinning 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
I so wish there was a "LIKE" button on here. Some of you say the most priceless things!
Oh and a 'DISLIKE' too... for all the Six Screens, OBVES etc. postings... LOL!
that would be nice
I like you.
But how do you say which message you're liking or disliking? Right? What if you're late on the thread and you like something dear PalmTree said about 5 comments back damnit!
And I want swearing emoticons too!
My ego would be busted (what little of it exists). I would probably get way too many dislikes.
I like this thread...
And I'm going to cuss at the monkey, because he's ripped my face off a few times and he's not here, right now...
**!!###*##!!!!!!!!! Shamus!!!**##!!!