For those who may be interested, on the Sundance channel a movie called Worlds Apart, is on right now in Philly, which is about a 17 year old Jehovah Witnesses girl who fall in love with a young man who is not a witnesses. It will be coming back on Sept. 15th at 7:00am
movie World Apart
by iknowthetruth 4 Replies latest jw friends
I bought that movie. I liked it...didn't love it but it was ok.
compound complex
Welcome, iknowthetruth, to the forum and for the information on Worlds Apart.
I've been following and making threads on this film from the beginning, having viewed it somewhat choppily but coherently enough on an internet webpage.
IMHO it was simply brilliant, poignant and moving.
CoCo Cinephile
I thought the movie was excellent considering the subject matter.